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Ílios – "sun" in Greek, English alphabet (According to Google Translate)

There are many references to different mythical stories of Apollo—very much like Disney Easter Eggs. I hope you enjoy this retelling of Apollo and Marpessa in a fantasy setting.

Morning had barely made itself known over the Delos horizon. Mild pinks and gentle oranges painted the sky in a gentle yawn of color. Delos, an island once known as the birthplace to holy entities long ago, now stood as the base for a prosperous kingdom. The large palace made of sandstone brick and sunbaked mortar housed some of the most powerful faces within the Mediterranean. The King of Delos and his many children commanded the land with a harsh fairness. Many of the civilians tolerated the king's rule simply for the various trading opportunities across the kingdom.

Bustling docks crowded with mighty sailors and merchants called to businessmen across the sea. The air polluted with the stench of fish promised prosperous days ahead of comfortable living and wealth in one's pocket. Just inland from the docks stood the town square beginning to come to life. Bakers fished their daily goods from stone ovens to be purchased later on in the day. Weavers and tailors swept yesterday's grime from their stores and onto the cobbled streets. Delos was alive and prepared for the successful day ahead, very much like its noble prince.

Lio softly shut the door to his chambers. None of the attendants had bothered to scurry up the stairs and into his wing of the palace—they all remained in the kitchens preparing the day's meals. With no one in sight, the cautious prince stalked down the dim hallway wearing the dullest apparel he owned. It was the best way for him to dissolve within the market's crowd. He always preferred to remain hidden amongst the bodies of his people—the less attention he drew to himself, the better. Lio cast a quick glance over his shoulder to ensure no peering eyes followed before turning the corner to the staircase. He was almost-

The prince smacked face first into another body, noses colliding perfectly. The two fell away from each other, hands grasping at their own faces and feeling for the gentle trickle of blood. None came. Lio glanced up just in time to see his sister staring daggers in his direction. He delivered the same stare back at her—the exact same stare—for they were twins.

"Artemis," the prince sighed under his breath.

The girl slumped with realization that this was her brother and not a servant. They both smiled in small relief.

"And so the sun rises," Artemis beamed at her brother, gesturing to his early start of the day.

"And the moon is off to bed," Lio nodded in return. "Where have you been all night?"

A certain light twinkled in the girl's eyes. "Dionysus. We celebrated under the moon with a bonfire by the shore. No man can entertain like our brother."

Only half-brother, Lio thought to himself.

"If you'll excuse me," the dark haired girl leaned in quickly for a peck on his cheek. "I'm in dire need of rest. The wine will not hold for long."

Artemis teetered down the hall a ways, slouching against her door before prying it open.

"Good night, fair sister," Lio whisper-yelled down the hall.

"Good morning, brother," she punctuated with a drunken wave.

Lio subtly shook his head to himself while trotting down the stairs. He loved his sister, he truly did, but if their father knew of such behavior... Artemis was as smart as him, perhaps even more so, but Dionysus held a terrible influence over her. That man held an influence over all the women. Every one of them that fell victim to his charismatic charm always regretted it in the morning. And yet they still returned for more...

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