The diary entry

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Oct. 2nd 1994

Today was the worst day of my life! I had to meet up with My counselor
Today, and it went...horrible, I hate going there.

Oct. 28th 1994

I feel like cutting, but I'm trying to avoid it. I've been almost 5 weeks clean. I found a blade under my bed. I got it by my wrist, I Sliced my wrists... The pain felt good I thought... All I could think off at that moment was...BLOOD, blood was dripping down my arm to the table. I felt so guilty but so good.

Dec.2 1994

I got into this anime series it's called "Death Note" it's the only thing that keeps me alive. Also the reason why I wasn't writing for along time, is because I was in treatment for a month plus I barley write in this piece of junk anyway. 

Dec. 21 1994

Im at treatment again... for trying to run away, I'm here for 2 months now
I hate my life.    Hmph...

Jan 15th 1995

Omg just got home, and I feel better than ever! They've really helped me. I'm never going there again! I don't like it there

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