Braking point

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My water broke and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't call my dad he was working. Harry! No I can't call Harry he's with his girlfriend.. I can't ruin this for him.

I started walking and crying to the hospital.

I saw Harry driving next to me and he said

"what are you doing?"

"My water broke and I'm walking to the hospital"

"Get in Ashton"

"No its okay go be with your girlfriend"

"Ashton please get in"

I was wobbling like a penguin.Finally he got frustrated and got out of the car and put me in it.

We arrived to the hospital and within minutes we were blessed with two beautiful babies.

I sat there and the doctor came in.

"Ashton we are having trouble with Noah so he will be in here for a couple days"

"what" I gasped

"He is having trouble breathing but Darcy will be just fine"

Just then it hit me and I bursted out crying.

"Oh god. This is my fault." I said gasping for air.

Harry came over to comfort me.

"Ashton everything will be okay"

Harry looked me straight in the eyes and said

"Ashton I love you. I don't think I can live without you." Then he got down on one knee

"Ashton will you marry me?"

I sat there in shock.

"Yes" I cried

He was holding baby Darcy and then he looked at me.

"You can already tell she looks like you"

He was rocking her back and forth.

"The second most beautiful girl in the world" he said as he starting crying.

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