chapter 3

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i turn around and see ponyboy

"yes?" i ask

"how do you know johnny?' he asked i smiled and them both everything

"wow so thats why you mved" johnny asked i nodd

"yea preaty much"

it was quiet for awhile the only sound i heard was the birds

"come on get up i want you to meat some people michelle"  pony said with a smile i roll my eyes


"you'll see come on!" they both started to walk. i sight hope Tammy and sarah wont be mad.


we walked in to a small house were pony was greated by many people

"whos this pony?" a older looking guy said pointing at me he looked maybe 16 to 17 he as taller then me for sure, he had a smile on his face so big it looked like his face would rip at any given moment. he had like blondish-brown hair and greyish kinda eyes.

"soda this is michelle warner shes johnnys old friend who moved her awhile ago"

"uh huh" soda said winking pony blushed which made me laugh alittle

"really soda i aint lieing!" soda put his arm aorund his shoul;ders and laughed

"calm down pony!" he said inbetwen laughs he looked at me making me nervas i hated meating new people soda stuck out his hand

"sodapop curtis, ponys older brother" i took his hand

"michelle warner" i said trying my best not to look nervas, he smiled again and noded.

another guy came out he looked the same age as soda maybe alittle older i dont know

he looked at me in convussion

"who are you?" he snapped ponyboy opeaned his mouth but i beat him

"michelle warner if you must know and who are you" i snaped back he smiled alttle not much though he looked like the type of person who never smiled

"steve randels honey" i roll my eyes "you ponys little girlfriend" he asked i laughed but pony became alittle angrey

"really steve?!?!" i laughed harder wow....steve and soda joined in my laughter

"what you laughen at?" a deep voice said

i jumped, whos that?

"d-darry, you shoulda seen ponys face!" soda laughed

darry looked the oldest 20 maybe? he walked over and smiled at me

"whos this pony?" he asked

"his girlfriend" steve cut in

"we just met!" i laughed at ponys whitty remark

"that makes it worse pone" soda said still smiling i was wondern if that guy ever stops smiling

"really! shes not my girlfriend!" he whined i laughed again johnny evn laughed

"dally two-bit come here!" steve yeled 2 other guys walked in they looked competey oppestes

"ponys gotta girl!" darry said with a smilepony sighed loudly

"shut up!!!"

"ooohhhh pooonnnyy!!" one of them said

"oh michele this is two-bit" he pointed to a guy who was smiling his had off "and this is dally" dally looked tough like really tough i wouldent want to mess with him.....

pony was still blushing i shook my head...this was going to be fun


there ya go :)




Y G   O   L   D :]

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