Once Upon a Time

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Long long ago, two sisters were born. One protecting positive feelings while the other protects the negative one.
The positive one was named Hope and the other Shame.
Both of them loved eachother and took good care of each other.
They thought their love would never end...

Through years and years, they were called as Yin and Yang.
Shame as Yin which is darkness and Hope as Yang which is Light.
They both balanced good from evil,
Negative from positive
Hopes from fear,
Nightmare from dream.

A year later, a tree grew in the middle of town,
And two kids were born, named Nightmare and Dream.
The 4 met at the tree.
Now Hope and Shame were known as Nightmare and Dream's Queens
And they are kings.

Since the brothers' job was just somewhat the same as the sisters' job,
It wasn't much of a problem for them to protect it.
What could go wrong anyways....?

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