Amy Elizabeth Simmonds

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Character's FULL Name: Amy Elizabeth Simmonds

Age: 18

What genre would I like my character to be in: Horror, Action

What genre was my character previously in: Romance, Fan Fiction

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Blue

List of Favourites: Gaming, YouTubers (Tobuscus, PewDiePie, etc.)

Extremely Detailed Description: She has blue braces, messy black hair and likes to wear bright colourful clothes. She's very random and weird at times and can never be dead serious. She doesn't listen to music and is very lazy.

Bit of a Backstory: She was part of a strictly religious family and she felt like she didn't belong in school. Everyone was so pretty and she was just...her. She had a little brother but he died due to Autism at the age of 6.

Race: White British

Gender: Female

Personality: She's an very loud person and is known for her quirky style. Although she may be loud, if she has to present something, she's very shy.

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