I loved

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So early in the morning I woke up like
There is no Sun that is going to arise
Above the highest mountain...

And I put on my dreams on my eyes like
Clothes on my body as to see the lake side
I left...
Through the dense forest...

I saw the colorful birds chirping there like
The heavenly music what's here my find
Has peace...
In the universe of shrieks...

I sat on the rock & looked at the sky like
My heart is filled with the aroma of delight
Before it...
Nothing so jovial I've experienced...

In the mirror of lake-water I saw "Me" like
I'm more beautiful when looked from nature's eyes
I loved...
Resurrecting my beauty that was lost...

I'm amused by the wonders of woods like
Only nature has the power to fill the life
In dead...
'cause the soul feels here refreshed...

#Nature_Love. :)

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