Finding Solace in Fictional Characters

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First of all, Survive a new year! (May your relationships strive and your days be stress-free~)

Anyhoo, This is going to be...quite a personal (?) chapter, I guess. I don't post often, so I'm not sure what personal really is.

But, finding peace in fictional characters is something that is often laughed at. Which, as someone who has experienced it, is so disheartening. 

I have felt self-conscious for quite a while, and nothing ever quite felt right when I tried it and I wasn't quite how I wanted it to be. My hair was off, my tummy stuck out a bit much, my sexuality confused me and I felt almost ashamed and, unsafe in school. 

But obviously, games are meant to be a break from reality. And when reality isn't quite what you want, you really want a break.

So, with games like Undertale that have so many characters and personalities and stories, it's easy to see why someone can find peace in them, right?

I started playing Overwatch a few days ago. Quite a few months late, I'll admit. But there's something that sticks out about the women in the game, the poster girl especially. 

Their tummies stick out a bit, and I don't feel so self-conscious about my own. 

Tracer is an openly queer character, like damn, I feel better about myself with just the characters, nevermind the gameplay (Don't mention the 6 deaths in one game, please.)

I dunno, I connected more to her than any other, maybe it's the queerness or heck, even the British part. But there was something there that made me feel better about myself, that calmed me a little and made me smile in a totally pure way that doesn't happen often. 

There's nothing to be ashamed of when you find solace in fictional characters, I wish this idea of people finding pure and innocent joy and happiness and others laughing at it because they're "special snowflakes" or something would stop. It's hard to find happiness when other's mock you for it.

bubblegum brainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora