Meet the Faimily

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It was dark... again. Pitch black. I can just barely make out the wall across from me, the room was over heated, and uncomfortable, with a wooden floor. There was a nice draft blowing on my back, helping cool down the room. I ripped off the band that held my mouth shut, stretching it uncomfortably. A light flickered on outside, and my ears pricked to the sound of footsteps. A beam of light, that shone through a part in the curtains that cut the room off from the rest of the mysterious building, relieved boxes and props, and a beautiful mural of an ocean against the wall opposite to the curtains. "Do you think he's awake yet?" Asked a small female voice from outside the room.
"Quiet or he'll hear us." This voice was a little more gruff and strict. I didn't move. 'Who the hell is disturbing me now' i thought annoyed, 'And why would they give a shit about me.' I began thinking of the kinds of people they are, making quick assumptions 'They probably just want parts from me! If they wanna rip me apart, I'm not going down with out a fight. Probably some stupid child who wants to see what the trash looks like, and her idiot father, not giving two shits about what the fuck she's doing' I growled without realizing. I was quick to cover my mouth with my hand. 'Did they hear me? Oh god i'm a fucking idiot. I dont want to be torn apart, not again!'
"I heard something! I think he's up! Can i go see him?! Can i, can i, can i??" The female voice says," Please Freddy??"
"Go ahead Chica, just dont scare him." The gruff voice, assumably
Freddy says. The curtains part, and a shadow steps in the doorway, I duck away and stay still, not wanting to be torn to pieces by another engineer.
"Mr. fox?" She says, whisper yelling "where are you? I'm not mean, I swear." Her footsteps get closer, this is when the fight or flight instinct kicked in. I was scared, i didn't want to know who these two are, or what they want. "I see you Mr. fox, you can't hide from me, you dont have to, i'm not scary, i swear, i see your gold eye, it glows in the dark! Its very pretty." Two purple rings float from around the corner, they're eyes, glowing eyes.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU CREEP" I threw the punch, scared for my life, it knocks her to the ground, she screams running out of the room faster than I could ask questions. I heard the two of them talking.
"Freddy he hit me!"
"He did what?! I'll fix your beak later, right now i need to have a talk with ' mr. fox'" The curtains part once again, and another figure steps into the room, staring right at me, and block out the light. " Alright fox, am i coming in, or are you coming out?!" I was frozen in fear, thinking over my options carefully, 'if i stay in here, i'm dead, but if i come out, maybe i can make a break for it' I slowly take a few steps forward, 'Maybe i can run past him, it is a curtain anyway' I take a few more reluctant steps forward. I'm about a foot and a half away from the curtain. I get ready to run as fast as i possibly can " Alright! Your taking to long!" He grabs me by the arm and yanks me out into the bright room, flinging me to the ground. From what i can see through my adjusting eyes, and position on the floor, its a room with a ton of tables, draped in colorful table cloths. A pair of brown legs step in front of me. I look up to see a bear with a black top hat, my vision was still blurry, so i couldn't see the details all that well 'shit shit shit shit!! What did i do?! Damnit, this bear is gonna kill me' I struggle to stand up, squinting at the lights. "What do you have to say for yourself?!" He says, angrily. I opened my mouth, scared to speak " I-I j-j-just g-got-" before i could even stumble my way through that sentence, he grabs my arm and twists, forcing me to kneel, whimpering in pain "s-stop!" I stutter out, he just twists it more, fibers beginning to rip in my arm.
"Freddy, stop!!" Says an unknown voice, i glance over and see a purple bunny, coming out of a door reading 'employee's only' "what the hell are you doing you crazy animal! Let go of him!" Freddy grumbles letting go. "There you go, whats your name bud"
" I've been calling him mr. fox" says the little female voice from down a hall, presumably Chica.
"C'mon 'mr. fox' whats your real name?" The purple bunny asks.
"F-foxy" i say in return, stuttering, still kinda scared
"Don't worry, we aren't gonna kill you, you can put yourself at ease."
I stand up, feeling a little comforted. "Thanks..."
"Bonnie, its Bonnie."
"I'm Freddy" he's still kinda angry.
"I'm chica!" Still down the hallway, she calls.
"Welcome to the family foxy" Bonnie says, giving me a hug. "Your gonna love it here."

Love at first bite; FonnieWhere stories live. Discover now