All I Want (Lord Of The Rings FanFic)

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I could wait, I mean, I've done it for so long already. Waiting for someone to save me from the boredom that rule my life. I sighed as I lay on top of my quilted blankets. I swung my feet into the air and looked at my pale toes. I wiggled them, one of my toes rubbing against the blister I had gotten earlier. A soft knock on my door brought my feet crashing back down onto my springy mattress. My mother poked her head into my room and smiled at me,

"Hey, Sweetie, Ruth is at the front door." She informed me. I sighed and pushed myself up from my warm bed and followed her down the stairs. I paused at the bottom, peeking into the living room where my two younger brothers, William and Andrew, playing on our Xbox. William, although being older at 17, was losing to Andrew, who was 15.

"Dammit, Drew!" William spouted in a fit of mock anger. I moved my feet from the bottom of the stairs and walked to the front door. As much I loved Ruth, she didn't seem to have an off button when it came to talking. I took a breath and opened the door. Ruth was standing there expectantly in her navy blue jeans and dark sweatshirt.

"Mari! Oh my gosh! I thought you were gonna leave me out there, but-" she started.

"Ruth, we've been over this. It's Nemari, not Mari. NEE MAR E. Got it?" I interjected. She rolled her eyes and sighed, but agreed.

"Anyway, I got you something! Now, I know you don't usually like it when I get you gifts for New Years, but I thought 'Gee, it's 2015! That's special! I'd better get her something this year!' But I knew you didn't like the blue headband I got you last year, even though it totally matched your red hair- by the way, you need a hair cut, it's almost past your ears- and so-"

"Maroon." I interrupted again, this time just to annoy her.

"What?" She asked with a bitter tone.

"Maroon. My hair is Maroon, not red." I informed her. She rolled her brown eyes and continued.

"Anyways, I got you this! Now originally, I had gotten you this cute glasses that matched your blue eyes, but then I realized they matched my golden locks more, ya' know?" She gushed, handing me a package about the size of my hand. I tore off the wrapping paper and found myself looking at a signed copies of The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. I stood speechless as I stroked the spine of the first book.

"Ruth. It's amazing. Thank you!" I breathed as she pulled me into a hug.

"Really? Wow. You're 22, Nemari, how long are these kid books gonna keep you entertained?" Ruth teased.

"They're not kids books! Besides, you're 24 and you still obsess over boys like a 12 year old!" I said as I tapped her with the books. She put her hands up in defense.

"Okay, Okay, they're grown-up books! Anyways, I've got to run! Places to be, boys to charm!" Ruth called as she skipped down the stairs. "Ciao!"

"You're not Italian, but keep trying!" I yelled as I marched back into the house. Opening the first page of the first book, I breathed in that new book smell. Content, I tucked the books underneath my arm and made my way back to my room.

I shut the door behind me and practically leapt onto the bed. I pulled out book two and three in a neat stack on the table next to my bed and opened up the first book, The Fellowship Of The Ring. I'd already read the trilogy many times, but hey! What's life without reading books more than once?

My eyes flew across each line, taking in each word and making a mental picture of the scenes. I could almost see the city of Bree before me. In fact, I could. My imagination was making such a vivid picture in front of me, it looked as if I could reach out and touch the rooftops. I lifted one hand to the nearest building, sure my hand would go right through and the whole image would collapse, but it didn't. Instead, I felt the rough substances beneath my fingertips. I held my breath as I put my other hand on the roof. Then one bare foot. Then the other. The image still held solid as I stood, proud and tall on the building. I could hardly hold in my bubbly giggles as I observed Middle Earth from my perch.

I turned back to where my bed was waiting for me, only it wasn't. It was just more scenery. I looked around franticly for that old green quilt that I slept under every night, but only the cold darkness of Bree surrounded me. I took quick shallow breaths, a side affect of my panic. I forced myself to calm down. I was okay, this is just my imagination. I could be back in my bedroom anytime I wanted. I swallowed and then surveyed the building I was standing on for a way down to the street.

After finding on and climbing down, I saw only a few people wandering the street, dressed in simple robes and tunics. Looking down at my own clothes, I felt out of place. A pair of dark skinny jeans, bare feet, and a skull and crossbones tank top didn't fit in too well. Well, not that it mattered, this is my imagination after all.

I walked proudly passed the stares of the people and walked further into town. I had a certain place in mind that I wanted to go. The Prancing Pony. I was gonna meet Frodo, Pippin, Merry, and Sam and no one was gonna stop me.

I wandered around, lost and getting colder by the second. Tank tops and bare feet were not the best defense against the wind. I finally gave in and went to the nearest person.

"Excuse me, do you know where The Prancing Pony is?" I asked as politely as my cold bitten lips would allow. The man I asked looked at me with wide eye and pointed shakily to a door next to him. "Oh. Right there. Thanks."

Nemari Adan, the next Einstein. I pushed the door open and was embraced with the warm glow of the room. I shut the door behind me and walked into the bustling room. Being 22 and fully capable of drinking, I marched right up to the bar. I tried to get the bartender's attention, but over the drunken men, he couldn't hear me. Since I was fed up and thirsty, I may have lost my temper.

"All of you, shut up!" I yelled at the men. The entire bar went silent, mission accomplished. I turned to the bartender again and politely said, "A glass of ale. Thanks."

"Sure, ah, free of charge for you, Ma'am." He said sheepishly as he handed me my drink. Ma'am? How old did I look to him? I nodded at him anyways and sat on the stool.

The noise level slowly went up again. I was surprised the men listens to me in the first place and that bartender treating me like his superior? Maybe women are considered in charge here? I giggled to myself at that thought.

Remembering my reason for coming, I moved my eyes to the door, waiting for the hobbits to make their arrival. Three glasses of ale later, they did. Rain soaked and miserable they stumbled in and they talked to the bartender. If my imagination was going by the book, they were asking about Gandalf. I watched as they made their way to a table while Sam got drinks.

I was still studying the hobbits when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped, spilling ale onto my feet. Pissed off and now wet, I turned to face the person who had startled me into losing my drink. As I recognized the offender, I almost choked on my own tongue. Aragorn stood in front of me, hood up.

"What business does a pirate have in The Prancing Pony?" He asked me. I raised my eyebrows at the question. Why would I know? I didn't even know there was a pirate in here. I glanced over my shoulder, but I didn't see any men with eye patches and parrots so I turned back to Aragorn. I noticed his hand slowly gliding to the hilt of sword. I raised my hands in defense.

"Hey now, no need for violence! Which one is the pirate?" I asked. Aragorn raised an eyebrow.

" You come bearing the flag of your crew and you ask which one the pirate is?" He spoke as if he was amused by my confusion. I lowered my arms as I scrunched up my face.

"The flag of my cre-ohh." I said, suddenly remembering which shirt I was wearing. "I'm not a pirate, even though I'm wearing this Jolly Rodger, I'm not! I'm only wearing it because I though it looked nice with my pants! I swear!" Well, that explains why everyone was being nice to me.

"Your guilt is obvious despite your l-" He cut off suddenly as a commotion started behind me.

I followed his gaze to wear Frodo lay on the ground, the ring falling towards his hand. Aragorn leapt into action and lunged forward. As the ring settled onto Frodo's ring finger, in a seemingly impossible arc, he turned invisible. A collective gasp swept the bar. I really hoped my imagination follow the script so the story wouldn't be too messed up.



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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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