chapter 8

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Today we are going on tour and I'm excited as hell I've been up since 5:00 this morning packing and stuff. I didn't know how long we were going to be on tour for so I pack nothing but clothes just in case we be their longer than I expect.

After getting out the shower I wrapped a towel around my body walking over to the sink I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Putting on a black bra and panty set I put my hair into a sloppy bun I decided to wear something simple which consist of ripped jeans and a all white tank top. Grabbing my MK purse I rolled both of my luggage by the door and waited for Rose to come pick me up.

After waiting a good 30 minutes their was a knock on the door looking out the peep hole to see a smiling Chris causing me to raise an eyebrow what the hell is he doing here I thought swinging the door open I stepped aside to let him in. I haven't talk to Chris since our date closing the door I walked in the front to see him eating my chips


"I missed yo ugly ass too" he said

"Ugly?" I couldn't help but to laugh this nigga funny as hell. "But you steady Trying to get with me"Mhmm ugly nigga you really tried it.

" You know I was just playing." he said as walked in the kitchen and grabbed him something to drink.

"Make yourself at home why don't you." I said as I finished texting Rose .

"I already did." He said coming back into the front with a sandwich, chips ,and a bottle of water.

"Christopher."I yelled causing him to drop his sandwich and look at me

"What the hell you yelling for?" Trying to give people a damn heart attack and shit. He said while holding his chest and breathing hard." On top of that you made me drop my damn sandwich

"You just come to people house and eat up all they damn food. Let's go before my refrigerator be empty. I said while getting up and making my way toward the door.

"Right when a nigga was getting comfortable." He mumbled

He grabbed my bags as I made sure everything in my house was locked once I was done with everything we made our way to the car.


We had just pulled up at the studio we wasn't leaving until tonight so he decided that we spend a few hours at the studio practicing on the dances.

Getting out the car I grabbed my gym bag and made my way into the studio where everybody was goofing around. Laughing at everybody I took a seat on the floor and started stretching because when Chris walk's up in here and see them not doing what they suppose to do he's going snap. Looking up to see a pissed Chris I tried my hardest not to laugh he looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders while I continued to stretch.

"What the fuck is this?" He yelled causing me to jump a little. I know not to get on his bad side.

Chris POV

Walk into the studio all I heard was laughing and music playing causing me to raise a brow walking down the hall I stopped to see Marie on the floor stretching I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulder.

"What the fuck is this?" I yelled causing them to turn around fast as hell. So while I'm gone this is what the fuck y'all do?

"I can explain?

"I don't wanna hear it." Get with your partners. I said as I walked in front of the room with Marie not to far behind me. I connected my phone up to the speaker and back to sleep came on.

Marie got in front of me she turned around to look at me as I put my hands on her waist as she moved her hips my hands made their way to her butt I squeezed it.

"Chris really?" She said as she moved my hands

"What I do?"

"You get on my nerves."


We had just landed here in Miami I had 3 shows here and a few interviews to do but while we here y'all know a nigga gotta turn up. Getting off the jet I grabbed my bags and made my way over to the truck we was heading to the hotel to get settled and stiff because we had a show tonight.

Arriving at the hotel I started unpacking and shit which took me no time I looked at the time and it was 4:00 we had to be at the club at 10:00 so while I still had time I decided to watch some TV.

This chapter is short and boring I know and I will be updating again so don't worry the next two chapter are going to be good don't forget to ......

Exuce any errors they will be corrected

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