A walk with Death

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You got up and waited for choromatsu to get up. You felt rude not giving this guy a hand, but you know, you couldn't.....

"I think your dog went that way." He said, pointing to the burnt paw prints.
"Yup, " you said following the prints and leaving your own behind you.

Choromatsu was walking with you, he didn't talk much and neither did you do it was an awkward silence for a few minutes. You guys finally found D/N running around in a clearing enjoying the life around him.

You guys sat down on a fallen tree next to the clearing. You didn't sit though, you didn't think it would be worth it. God you're so depressing!

You turned around and realized that choromatsu was cleaning up the dead grass the was behind you, he was making the grass grow again, greener than before. You watched him as he effortlessly touched the ground and closed his eyes. You were very curious but you didn't want to move and kill more plants, you would feel bad.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." You said
"It's okay!! I-it could take a while to learn to c-control." He said and stood next to you.
"I've been like this for as long as I could remember, I've never been able to control it."
"Oh, um. Here let me try something." He said and grew a small flower from the ground

You looked at him a bit confused, what did he want to try? As he grew the flower, you watched as he began to smile as it flourished under his fingers. He really enjoyed his abilities.....

He picked the flower from the ground and walked back towards you. "Here, t-try and keep this alive as long as you can."
"Choromatsu I cant,"
"Just try this, I want to see what happens."

You sighed and tried to move your hands toward the flower. You didn't want to kill his creation, it still had time to live its...uh...plant life.

You finally touched the flower and it began to darken and wilt. You felt sadness over whelm you. You didn't want to kill or hurt anything else. The flower was beginning to turn to ash and finally break and wither into its final dusty grave. You looked at choromatsu with a sad look.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I made you do that. I was just curious." He said "here give me the ashes."

You poured the remains of the flower into his hands. As soon as he touched the ash, it began to retake original form. You watched as the flower that you turned into a pile of ashes become a beautiful flower again. It made you a little happier.

Choromatsu looked back up at you with the newly reformed flower in his hand. This time you were smiling, you were happy that the flower could live again. Every life was a special gift that you were forced to take away, now you got to watch it flourish once more.

"It's good to see you smile." He said with a little blush.
"It feels good too. Looks like I can't even hold it for a second..." you said
"I'm gonna help you work on it!!" He said and took your hand.

You felt his skin slowly turn to a rough feel. You looked down and watched as his hand began to turn into a small hole of ash. You pulled away and watched as it turned back into its normal form.

"Why'd you do that?...." you said
"I wanted to try and hold your hand again, I thought that maybe your sad emotion was making the things die faster, so since you were smiling I thought that it would last a little longer..." he said "besides, I-it doesn't really do that much, I can't die anyways..." he smiled
"Oh....maybe..." you said and began to walk towards the tires dog.

The dog has been playing for a while, he might need to go back and rest up, you might have to as well. Choromatsu followed you toward the dog and watched as you woke it up from its slumber.

"Choromatsu, thank you for wanting to help, but I don't think that there's any way you could help me...I'm death I can't...you know, live!" You said.
"I know, but I can at least be your friend."
He said
"Were friends?" You asked
"Yeah, do you want to be?"
You looked at him a little envious, he's so....alive! You weren't used to his aura.
"I....I've never had a friend before...." you said
"Well I guess I'll be your first!"

You smiled again, you had to leave, it's been a while since you got up here. Osomatsu wouldn't be worried, but you were worried about what he might be doing right now.

"I have to get back to the underworld..."
"Oh okay....can we see each other again?" He said, he was smiling, but he was also sad. He was Sappy....
"Maybe, I have to be around here some time again...."
"Great!! Maybe I can have you meet somebody!!" He was nervous, you could see it. You've been around long enough to read people so easily.
"Okay....it's nice to talk to somebody every once in a while.."
It was true, the only things you talk to are spirits, osomatsu, and even to the dog! You're such a loner :(
"O-okay, uh I guess I'll see you then." He said and waved goodbye as he walked away into the woods.

You disappeared into the smoke again and put the dog in his corner. He slept peacefully and you walked down more tunnels and corridors until you got to your own cell.

You sat down on your bed and looked at your hands. You saw scars, not self harm scars, but from you trying to cut off you hands once before. They never disappeared, they never detached from your body, your death, you can't die or take apart yourself.

You again laid down and looked back at the nice memories of today, how choromatsu tried to hold your hand, and how he wanted to help. He listened to you and even made the grass grown back from your path.

"Today was a good day..." you said and closed your eyes.

Hey guys, sorry for that weird hand thing at the end here, I thought it would draw a lot more attention to how the character acts and feels about her abilities compared to choromatsu's. anyways, don't hate me and keep reading!! This one was a lot longer than the rest to be sure to check up on this story every once in a while for more!! Good night!!!! ~<3

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