Chapter five// A new

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(^thats what she looks like now^)

Ella's pov
After walking for a couple minutes we got to this...mansion, it looked old and run down and the walls were chipping. We walked up on the porch that had vines and grass coming out of the cracks and chipped wood

He opened the door and I saw two boy, one with a mouth guard and one with a black mask that had a red face carved into it sitting on the couch, and there was another boy who looked like he was in a hurry for nothing, he had a female looking mask and and clip board

"Hello boys...this is Ella. She'll be joining us as one of my proxies." I waved shyly and hid behind Slenders legs

"Aw~ she's adorable!" The mouth guard guy exclaimed

"Hey...where's Jane, clockwork, LJ and Sally?" Slender asked the guy in the white female looking mask

"All out on duty, sir." He replied

"Tell them to get back asap and Hoodie introduce her and get her a mask and weapon. Alright?" He ordered

"Yes, sir." The two said as Slender walled off to his office

"Hello! I'm Hoodie, this is Masky and Toby." He said pointing at the white masked guy and the mouth guard guy

"H-hi..." I shyly choked out

"Heh...alright come on let's get you fixed!" He exclaimed and grabbed my wrist I winched at the pain from the cuts

He gave me a worried look and loosen his grip and gently pulled me up the stairs

Once we got up there me turned to me and pulled my wrist in his view

"Why did you do this to yourself?" He asked

"I-......I don't know!" I began crying, he hugged me

"'s'll be fine! Just promise me you won't do that again?" I nodded and we pulled away from the hug

"Thanks I feel better now..." I looked down at my feet

"Good, alright! What kind of mask do you want?" He asked

I gasped remembering the metal bucket I saw at the bottom of the stairs. I sprinted down the stairs grabbed the bucket and ran back up

"This one!" I held the bucket up in his face

"Ptttf ur serious?" He laughed

"Damn right I am! I just need to decorate it!" I said as I dipped my finger in this random blood and drew a smiley face on it

"There! And for a weapon all I want is a crowbar." I told him, he nodded and went to go get one, he came back and handed me the crowbar

"Oh~ me likey!"  I threw it up in the air and caught it

"He he, glad you like it. I'll get you in your room you might wanna have a good sleep! Tomorrow we have other people to meet and lots of killing to do!" He exclaimed and guided me to my room, it was cute and cozy and I really liked it a lot! I lied down on the bed and closed my eyes drifting off as if I was on a river into a deep sleep...

The static// a Creepypasta fan-ficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora