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This is my first fanfic so don't be too mean if it sucks Kay?

Update: 12/30/14

This chapter has been edited and revised.



Sakura looked back at the room she was raised in, both happy that she was leaving for college yet, sad to be leaving her mother. Everything was quiet until,

"Sakura!! Your cab is here, hurry up!!"

Her mother screeched from outside the front door, ruining her bittersweet silence of saying goodbye. With one last look, she began walking downstairs towards the front to help her mother with her suitcases.

"Coming, Mom!!"


Outside of the house, she was greeted with the site of her mother trying to stuff one of her bags into the trunk. Sakura giggled before, jogging down the driveway to assist her mother.

"Aww, I'm gonna miss my little girl... promise me you'll call?"

"Yes mom, I will." Sakura kissed her mother's cheek and turned towards the cab with her backpack and phone in hand.

"Gotta go, I'll call you when I get there."

"Ok! Bye honey, be safe!!!"

As Sakura scrambled into the cab, she could hear her mother sniffling behind her. As she pulled the door closed and began moving away, she watched her mother smile and wave goodbye with her face full of tears.

"I'm finally off." Sakura sighed as she placed one earbud into her ear.


Sakura slipped in the key and turned, until she heard a click.


She slowly opened the door and placed her bags on the floor right next to it, before walking into the kitchen to place her phone and earbuds on top of the counter. Soon, Sakura walked out into the living room in search of her best friend.

"Ino? You here yet?"

As soon as she walked around the couch, she was greeted with the sight of her best friend splayed carelessly on top...Sakura decided to wake her up.

"Oi, Ino wake up! We still have to unpack and meet up with the principal!

Sakura immediately looked up at a nearby wall clock. 11:21, we still have 3 hours. Sakura thought as she stood up, grabbed a pillow, and smacked Ino's blonde head.



As soon as Ino looked up, she jumped on her long time friend. Making both of them fall to the ground.

"Gah, Pig!!"

"Sakura! I haven't seen you in so long!"

The two college students giggled before slowly helping each other up.

As soon as Ino let go of Sakura's hand, she bolted to her room and closed the door.

"Forehead!! We only have 3 hours?!?!"

She screeched as she ran out again to retrieve her bags, before scrambling back into her room. Sakura just stood there, dumbfounded, before regaining her senses and walking into her room.


That's it for now because I wanna get some feed back before going on so...READ AND COMMENT PLZ!!!!!! Oh yeah and sorry for such a short chapter, I'll make a longer one next time... ^_^

Don't do drugs

Love, Sakura-Hatake

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