Chapter 3-

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Turquoise threw his hands against the door in frustration. Why had this happened? Why couldn't he be left alone? Why was it always him? No one ever went after his parents or sister it ALWAYS had to be him. It was as if they knew he was weak or that he was defective...

Maybe he could find a way out of the room before his kidnapper came back. How much time did he have - had he even been told? Either way it probably wouldn't be very long. Trying the door and finding it to still be locked wasn't much of a surprise, but it looked old and was obviously rotting so maybe a good hard shove would work? Apparently not, throwing himself against the door did next to nothing unless you count causing him pain and creating an odd sort of bang mixed with a screech that seemed to echo within the room.

Glancing around the old poorly managed, maybe even rotting room Turquoise found there was another door to the left of the one he stood in front of that looked to be in much better shape than the other and an old rusted looking window on the far wall. the vents were too small for him to crawl through and even if they weren't they were very likely clogged somewhere, even without that navigation once inside would have been impossible. Being as careful as he could he moved to the rusty window- the other door wasn't likely to lead anywhere useful. the closer he got to the window the less he felt he was likely to survive and upon trying to open the window only for it to barely budge at all due to the rust all hope of getting out safely was ripped away.

"Oh were you trying to escape? I highly doubt you would ever make it home alive even if you managed to get out of here." The Sudden amused voice behind him startled Turquoise into turning around as fast as he possibly could and of course the voice belonged to the psycho that brought him to there in the first place.

Shayne couldn't help but be abnormally excited by the way the boy in front of him reacted. Was he really that naive? Not a soul in this area would help him knowing Shayne had dragged him there and he had no idea even remotely of where he was. No one wanted to be tutored to death by a maniac after all especially for taking the original prey. But in the end it was exciting to see such a new reaction most of his victims had tried to offer him something or cried begging for a mercy they would never have given another. Oh how fun it would be to torment the boy until he just begged to die only to be forced to continue to live until his body just gave out on him entirely.

Turquoise held his breath attempting to stop the cries in his head to try and convince the person in front of him to just let him go from escaping through his mouth knowing it wouldn't help him even a little. "It may even excite whoever catches you", his sister had once told him when they were both younger. Shivering slightly he watched the person in front of him grinning while holding a bunch of objects he couldn't for the life of him identify but feared he wouldn't like them if he knew. The 'promise' of surviving until the next day didn't mean torture or injury wouldn't happen, all it said was he would live until the next day and that was if his captor felt like being 'nice' as he had put it. And of course Turquoise had very effectively trapped himself with no way to reach the now ajar door without being very easily caught before ever reaching the door.

The panic from being kidnapped and forced to see all those dead guards was once again smothering his air ways. He was going to end up like those guards probably worse because he was likely going to be tortured horrifically before being allowed to die or maybe he would just eventually die of shock before his captor wanted him to.

Moving to set his tools on the table Shayne watched the boy as he panicked standing against the wall as if he was trying to merge with it half expecting him to attempt to run for the door but it didn't happen. 'Gave up already did he?' Shayne couldn't help but snicker, the rich were very odd in the way they reacted after all so much overreacting and so little common sense for the way the world was now maybe at one time long ago there would have been a chance. That wasn't important now though all that mattered was that they pay and he get to have some fun while making them.

Picking up the carving knife from the bottom of the pile Shayne turned towards the boy grinning as he flinched and pressed attempted to press himself closer to the wall- if that was even possible at this point. What to do first. Cut off a finger? Or maybe an ear? Not anything that would bleed to much because this was just the beginning of Shayne's fun so his victim needed to last at least until he got bored. As he walked closer he could tell the boy was doing his best to hold his breath - hopefully in an attempt to seem strong because those types were always fun to break.

Once right in front of the boy Shayne's attention was on the boys stupid hairstyle. Picking up the boys longer blond blue streaked left bangs , "It's no fun if you can't see properly so I think I'm going to cut this long bit of hair off. "

The millisecond the words left Shayne's mouth the boy tensed and his visible turquoise eye widened in obvious horror only making him want to cut the soft hair all the more. Holding the knife under the boys hair as close to his skin as possible Shayne began to saw the boys bangs off eliciting an extremely panicked shout from the boy as his hair began to fall away. The sound simply egged Shayne on until all the boys long bangs had been cut away.

All of his excitement quickly vanished as soon as he took in the boys now completely visible face.

"What the fuck is wrong with your eye?!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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