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Hey. I'm Weston Koury. I'm a younower and some people would consider me famous, but i don't necessarily agree. Yes, I have a few followers on twitter and some fans on younow, but I don't think that is considered fame.
  Anyway, I'm 14, I'll be 15 on January 7. Some of my friends are, BruhItsZach, Baby Ariel, Mario Selman, Blake Gray, and Mark Thomas.
   So I'm sitting here scrolling trough my timeline and notifications, liking a few tweets here and there. And I saw that one of my supporters made an edit, which not to sound self centered or anything, I thought it was going to be of me. But i thought wrong. It was of this... pretty good looking girl. She had blonde hair with pretty blue eyes. I went back to the caption and saw a username there; "@ beechloren02 " I clicked on it and it brought me to and account with the name "Loren Beech".
    I scrolled the some of her tweets and then went to the media tab a looked at a few pictures of her. Oh god, I sound like such a stalker. Anyways, after lurking in her account a bit more I decided to follow her. I scrolled all the way back up and clicked the little blue "follow button".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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