Can You See Me?

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Here is the prompt off of Tumblr:
Welp, let's get to it then! :P

Dear Santa,
Hi. I suppose it's been a while since I have last written to you. Maybe about 15 years? Who cares, the real reason I am doing something as ridiculous as writing to Santa Claus is because, well, I have a lot going on right now. Between caring for my 11-year-old daughter and working three different jobs, life is overly stressful at the moment. I have one wish this Christmas season that I am hoping you will grant. It sounds quite farcical, but at this point I have nothing to lose. Santa, what I truly desire this year is to find hope in Christmas once again. Since my husband Liam died last year, this is our first winter without him.

I sigh, putting my pen down and slamming my head onto the desk. What am I doing? Writing to Santa Claus is a lost cause, it's a way for children to innocently waste their time on what is merely a myth. I am not a child, obviously. This is all pointless. A grown woman should not be so reckless like this. Despite the argument with my conscience, I decided to pick my pen back up and make a fool of myself once more.

I refuse to participate in any holiday-related activities this year. I won't allow myself to even think of Christmas after this letter. What is the big deal with this season anyway? Giving thoughtless gifts to one another, wasting money on all those blinding decorations and singing dumb, festive songs. I guess Christmas just lost it's purpose after his death. Everything changed. Things will never be the same and if people try to make it go back to the way it was, I will do very bad things to them. No regrets. Well, now that you've read my wish I'll let you be. I'm sure you have many other letters to tend to, Santa.
Warm wishes, Carol

I carefully fold the letter and place it in the already prepared envelope. Then I get in my car to drive to the post office to deliver my letter. As soon as I reached the entrance of the post office, a tall, fit man held the door open for me. "Thank you." I shyly speak, briskly walking inside. "Anytime, ma'am!" He exclaimed with a wink in my direction. Heat quickly dominated my cheeks, accompanied by a small smile.

I continued walking towards my destination when, suddenly, I tripped in my heels and fell to the ground. I groaned loudly in annoyance. Before I could get myself up again, the same man was at my side offering his hand. The heat returned to viciously attack my pale cheeks as I silently accepted his hand. "T-thank you again, sir." I softly gratified. He chuckled and responded, "No problem, it's Christmas after all, right?" It sounded like he greatly enjoyed Christmas, it must be wonderful for him.

He surprisingly took my hand and began a conversation. We were heading down the wrong path, but I do not mind as long as I get to keep feeling this amazing feeling, most likely due to this strange man. "My name is Levi. You?" He asked. "Carol." He smiled warmly. "Carol," Levi breathed. His laughter rang out soon after, and it was the most perfect laugh I've ever heard. "Huh, has a nice ring to it."
Dear Santa,
I am deeply grateful for you. I'm sorry I lost belief in you. I cannot believe that after all of my sins and doubts, you still fulfilled my wish. A few days ago, Levi proposed. He has brought the Christmas to my daughter and I since that day in the post office, and I couldn't ask for anything more. He is the hope, my hope, in Christmas.
Warmest of wishes, Carol

Sometimes I wonder, love...are you watching over me from up there? Can you see me?


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Can You See Me?// A Short Christmas Story [Edited]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin