Chapter Five

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I never noticed someone was behind me as I stared at the gravestone. I knew the person who's name was engraved in the stone.

Chris Woods

Died 18 years old

Killed from accident

Slowly, tears slid down my cheeks. "Why... Why is this here... Why is he buried here..." I muttered under my breath before I felt strong arms wrap around my torso.

"Ya know the person buried 'ere?" The person whispered in my ear. It was Daryl.

I slowly turned my head to look at him, "He's my older brother... I had a older brother... He was only 18 Daryl... Only 18! I was 16 at the time... I never knew I'd lose my older brother..." I muttered as the tears started picking up pace and started falling to the ground.

"How lon' 'go?" He asked.

"Well, I'm 27 now... So about... 11 years ago... I'd almost forgotten he was even alive..." I sighed and wiped at my eyes while Daryl quickly let go of my waist - but put his arm around my shoulders in stead - as we heard footsteps coming closer.

When the footsteps stopped, I slowly got up with Daryl following suit - but in a quicker pace - before I turned around to face Rick. "We're goin' in two separate groups. Daryl, you're taking the group back while me, Ross, Shane and Carl go search the woods more. We can still cover more ground that way." He explained before looking at Daryl's arm around my shoulders. "You two friends again?" He smirked as I grabbed Daryl's hand before dropping his arm by his side.

"Nah. We're no." I spat before walking away over to Shane who was now by the small church. "Why are ya lettin' the wee yin go?!" I screamed at him as I pointed at Carl. "That lad has gotta be in the protection o' his mither!"

"What?!" He shouted in utter confusion. He obviously doesn't know Scottish.

"I said. Why are you letting Carl go?! That boy has to be in the protection of his mother!" I repeated in proper English for him. His mouth made an 'o' shape before he stared at me.

"I didn't want him to. Ask Rick! Ask Lori! They are the ones that are lettin' him come!!" He spat, his voice full of venom. I turned to Rick and Lori expectantly as I crossed my arms.

"He wanted to go with his father, so I'm letting him!" Lori defended her and her husband's decision.

"Och aye the noo!But whit if tha' laddie doesnae com back?!" I shouted, "Ya are jist a hoor if ye ask me!"

She seemed to understand more than Shane and Rick because she snapped back at me. "I am not and I am his mother! You are just a random marines boy who can't accept the fact that I'm letting my boy go help his father!"

I scoffed, "A'least ah ken more than ya dae..." I muttered before storming off towards the woods. "MY MIDDLE FINGER SALUTES YOU BITCH!!!!" I screamed over at her and flipped her off.

Before long I was now sprinting with a someone following closely behind. I looked back, and it was Shane. He ran into me as I stopped, causing us to both fall over. Sadly he was on top of me.

"GET THE FU-" I was cut of mid-sentence as he covered my mouth. We laid like that for a while until Rick and Carl were hovering over us, finally Shane got up and helped me up.

"Never storm off like that again. Please?" Carl asked me innocently causing me to look at him. I crouched down to his height.

"If your mummy stops talking to me and stops annoying me then okay..." I whispered and messed up his hair before getting up. I was walking in front of Rick and Shane with Carl but we suddenly all stopped when we heard a twig snap, instinctively I pushed Carl behind me. Rick, Shane and myself raised our guns before we slowly lowered them and grinned at each other. Carl's eyes widened before looking back at us grinning from ear to ear.

"Go on..." Rick mouthed to me and his son, we both nodded and slowly edged towards it. When we got to it, we were both astonished, Carl touched it slowly before I saw something in the distance. My eyes widened as I pushed Carl roughly out of the way and stood where he was right before pain shot through my whole body.

A gunshot ran out before I looked down at my hip. And there it was. A gun wound. I fell to the groud slowly and tried to cover the wound as tears of pain sprang to my eyes. "ROSS!!!" All of them shouted.

"H...Help..." I choked out in pain, before swallowing down a scream. My body started feeling weaker as I slipped into unconsciousness while getting lifted up and carried someone as the person ran, but my mind was too focused on the pain in my hip.


I have sadly forgotten this part were Daryl and they rest of the group start heading back to the highway when Carl is shot... Sorry! I won't be adding it!! :P

ANYWAY!! Cliffhangers!! :D

XD Wtf am I doing in life?!

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