Piqued Sensations

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I hadn't mean to say that. I'm quite sure of it so why did those words leave my mouth just then? This is not going according to plan at all.

"Svenna. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry that I err... forgot your name when you gave it earlier, you know... when we first bumped into each other." Emeric releases his hold on the lever and extends his hand towards the petite brunette standing before him with a quizzical expression on her face. "Err... from the way you're looking at me right now, I think I know what you're thinking. You're doubting what I just said, right? That I didn't actually forget your name?"

"How I look? What are you...," she says, looking up at the roof of the plane, wondering how her face is appearing to him at that particular moment. Biting on her lower lip, she mentally cusses her face for its own non-negotiable policy of reflecting whatever that is on her mind and her current emotions. She contemplates on his rather perceptive assumption, though inaccurate, as she remembers that Eadric himself was quite an observant man.

"Are you always this suspicious with people you just met?" he asks incredulously.

"Excuse me? Where did that come from?"

"I just deduced that based off our ban--conversations so far." He shrugs, swapping out the word 'banter' in hopes that she would be less defensive to what he'd just said. "I wasn't assaulting your character. I just haven't met someone who is... headstrong--"

"Headstrong?" interrupts Svenna whose face has turned into a scowl.

"Did I say that? I meant to say... confident, with what she thinks is the truth."

Prompted to think about their encounter at the corridor at the airport two hours ago, a furious blush begins to stain her cheeks as she lowers her gaze to the floor, embarrassed of her contemptuous attitude. "Right. Yeah, I guess I deserve that. But you're wrong though."

"Oh? Which part?" he asks, his stance exuding aloofness.

Sighing, annoyed with herself for having to explain, she drags her eyes back to his. "You said that I doubted you, that I didn't believe you were telling the truth about not remembering my name. I didn't." She raises an index finger when she sees him opening his mouth to interject. Narrowing his eyes at the gesture, he pauses, letting her continue. "You see, my face is like an open book. Sort of. It automatically shows what I'm thinking or feeling and sometimes, like just now, it has nothing to do with the person I'm conversing with."

"I see," he says quietly. His voice, too soft to be heard by her if they haven't been standing a mere foot apart from each other, a proximity that they are made aware of when a girl wearing a pink sweater steps in between them. "I'm sorry. Do either of you want to use the toilet or are you guys done?" Pointing at the lavatory door where half of Emeric's tall frame is shielding the vacancy sign, "Is there somebody in there? Is that why you're both--"

Emeric hastily slides away from the door, "No. It's not occupied. But uhh...." he pauses, unsure of his next words, his eyes boring into Svenna's. Jumping to his rescue, she gestures to the slender blonde in black tights, "I was on my way in actually, but you can go right ahead." She lifts one hand, waving it lightly, hoping to garner enough attention to pry the woman's eyes away from Emeric's.

"Uhh.... the lady's letting you use the loo before her. D-did you hear her?" asks Emeric, darting quick glances between the girl and Svenna, and resting upon the latter.

A few seconds lapse before a pair of small brown eyes lock on hers, seeing the exhaustion and sleep deprivation in the dark shadows beneath her eyes. Brown Eyes apologises for inadvertently ignoring her and shuffles inside the lavatory, locking the door behind her. "That was awkward," Svenna whispers, mainly to herself.

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