We Don't Bite (unless...)

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A/n here it comes


Gay isn't some disease that is contagious or you can get by being nice to a gay person. We actually quite enjoy it when people are nice, it wouldn't physically hurt you to hold the door open or save us a seat. I mean COME ON! We aren't going to pounce on you!!! And before you open your bible just to say that God hates us and that we are gonna go to hell. We aren't, and he doesn't I'm a Christian and I have many other gay Christian friends. 

Okay. New paragraph New topic. Every heard the saying, "Straight? So is spaghetti 'till you hear it up"? My favorite. Here is a picture for you gay haters reading this, you have a French fry and a curly fry will you eat the French fry first because it is more natural and you are scared of "strange" " wrong" things or are you going to eat them at the same time showing that even  though the curly fry is different you'll still eat it just the same. Think about it... 

'till next time 


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