When There's an End There's Always a New Beginning

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*Sapphire's POV*

I had just got backstage when people started congratulating me on my win.  I was shocked that so many people were coming around and telling me this.  But hey I don't mind what so ever, I like attention...most of the time.  Beth walked up to me smiling and said, "I knew you could do it.  Now you should let me have a go for it."  I gave a look of 'I'm sore enough already.  I don't need to wrestle you too' She laughed and I started laughing a moment later.  Randy and Heath both had matches later on, so they were in their lockrooms getting ready for them.  I decided to go take a hot shower, and get dressed so when Randy was done we could go back to the hotel together. (What I changed into ---> http://www.polyvore.com/sapphire_ring_accompany_outfit/set?id=110462137)  I looked at the time, and Randy would be going out to his match soon.  I decided instead of just waiting in my lockerroom I was going to go and see him.  I walked to his lockerroom and knocked on the door, he came to the door and opened it a moment later.  "Hey Saph need something?" He asks smiling at me.  "Yeah.  I'm bored as heckie right now, so I was wondering if I could go out with you." I say smiling back at him.  He wrapped his arms around my waist, "Course you can come out with me.  I always like support from my girl."  He gives a peck on the lips.  I smile at him, "You're the best you know that right.  Oh even if you said no I was going to come out anyways." I smirk as he rolled his eyes.  "Of course you would." He says amused.  I had the Diva's Championship belt with me around my waist, I wanted to show it off a little bit.  We walked over to the ramp and waited for Randy's theme to go.  "Being accompanied by Sapphire Slater, from St. Louis Missouri weighing in at 268 pounds (A/N: not sure if it's right!)...Randy Orton!"  The crowd cheers loudly, and I do a few high fives, and go over to commentary.  Micheal Cole says, "And we have a special guest commentator with us tonight, the new Diva's champion."  I get a headset, and sit next to Booker T.  Wade's music then started, and the crowd starts booing.  I make a face of disgust, which Randy saw.  He smiled and winked at me, and then turned his attention back to Wade.  I smiled, Wade was gonna get a beating of his lifetime right now.  The ref. signaled for the bell, and it dinged.  Randy and Wade were going at each other, Randy pissed at Wade and Wade pissed at Randy.  Of course I had total confidence that Randy was gonna win, he was one of teh best wrestlers in the WWE at this current moment and Wade was kinda new to the WWE.  "So Sapphire what is your relationship with Randy?  I think the whole WWE and WWE universe would like to know." Cole asks me with full interest.  "If you want to know that bad, we're currently dating.  If you start to make a big fuss out of it, I'll make sure that you shut up for at least the rest of the night." I say threateningly towards him.  I looks weary but then says, "Well uh I wish the two of you wonderful days ahead of you."  I don't say anything to him, and continue watching the match.  Randy was in control of the match as of the moment, and there was  no sign of them slowing down.  Booker then asks me, "So Sapphire who do you think is going to win this match?"  "Well the both of these men are great athletes.  I admit that I don't like Wade that much, but I'm not going to deny that he's a great competator.  But I think that Randy has an advantage, and that's because he has more experience in the ring than Wade does.  But I'm not going to say that Randy's going to win for sure, but he has a great chance of doing so." I reply in full honesty.  Cole then butts in, "How do you not like Wade?  He's pure young talent, and he'll easily be on top one day!"  I reply to him, "I'm not say that he isn't talented, and that he wont be on top someday.  But as I said earlier, Randy has more experience than Wade.  If you're in a match with someone with the same abilities as you, and you're more experienced you'll come out the winner because you've been around to see lots of things that the newbie hasn't."  "Sapphire any chance that you'll take over Cole's job?  You're so much more reasonable than he is, and you have a great way to word things." Booker says.  Cole then goes on a rant on how much better he is than everybody else.  Randy then gets Wade outside of the ring, and he gets out of the ring.  Randy then throws Wade into the pole, then the barrier.  Wade and Randy then get back into the ring.  The Randy was going to go for an RKO, but then Wade gave a thumb to the eye.  Of course the ref. didn't see it, so while Randy was at a weak point.  Wade went for the pin.  1...2...3, Wade had won.  "What now Sapphire, I told you Wade was amazing!" Cole says bragging.  "I'll forget you said that because I have to go deal with a British asshole now." I say taking off the headset, and walking into the ring.  Randy was still on the mat holding his eye in pain.  "Coming to help your boyfriend, or are you here to take back a real man?  Cause I'll take you back now, and we can forget what has happened the last few weeks." Wade says smirking at me.  I rolled my eyes at him.  "Now why would I want to be with you?" I ask him sassily trying to get to Randy but he wouldn't allow me.  "Why?  You shouldn't be asking why, you should be thanking me for giving you another chance with me." He says glaring at me.  "Oh of course I should.  Why was I being so stupid, I should take an offer such as that.  It wont happen ever again!" I say acting like I was going to buy his stupid bribe.  "Now that's what I want to hear." He says smirking again.  I stepped towards him and said, "So would you be ever so kind to take a girl like me back"  His smirk was so huge right now it could almost be the size of Russia, "Now since you said that I think I could."  He was going to kiss me, but I backed up and slapped him.  He looked at me shocked, so I took the moment to jump and dropkick him in the face.  I motion for a person to bring me a microphone, and they brought one to me.  Wade was on the mat groaning in pain, and I smirk at that.  "I will never take you back.  If that doesn't get through your thick skull, I think that the dropkick will." I say dropping the mic.  Randy was sitting up in the corner now, and he was still holding his eye.  "You okay?" I ask him.  "I will be.  It just hurts a bit." He says getting up.  The crowd cheered and played my theme song.  We walked back together to his locker room.  He sat down, and I sat down next to him.  "You sure you're okay?" I ask worried.  "Yeah I'll be fine.  I'll go shower, and while I'm doing that do you think you could go and get some ice for me?" He says standing up.  "Of course I can do that." I say kissing him on the cheek.  I leave his locker room, and go to get ice for him.  Beth walks up to me when I was gettig ice for Randy.  "Awe aren't you a nice girlfriend.  So you think it's wise to get Wade pissed at you and Randy?" Beth says to me leaning on the wall.  "I know Randy can handle him, as for me I don't think he'd try anything to me.  He's probably smart enough to know that Randy will come after him if he tries anything with me." I say and start heading back to the locker room.  Beth walks with me. "You never know though.  Wade's a tough guy to figure out." She tries to point out.  "I've known Wade longer than you, my brother and Justin know how his mind works better than me though.  I know that they'll be here for if does try anything again." I say and reach Randy's locker room.  I knocked and walked in, he had already rinsed off, more than likely he was just gonna go to the hotel and shower before he goes to bed.  I hand him the ice and sit down next to him.  "You ready?  I'll drive us back." I say.  He nodded, his eye had swelled a bit.  We grab our bags, and walk to Randy's car.  He throws me the keys, and I catch them.  I get in, put my seatbelt on and I drive us back to the hotel. 

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