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It was the first day of tour...all of the Lynch's went except for Stormie & Mark...the first destination was Hawaii and Mary was so was one of her dreams to go to Hawaii...they all sleepily went to the airport  and waited for their flight

Rydel: I'm so happy I won't be the only girl on the tour bus

Mary: I'm glad to be with you guys...this is every fans dream

Riker: you're not JUST a fan anymore

Mary: yeah but still

Riker: where's your locket with your dad inside? I thought you wore it everyday

Mary touched her chest and her locket wasn't there

She stood up

Mary: I have to find it

She started looking around...a cute tall brunette was holding it he looked around and saw Mary & Rydel looking on the ground.. the cute brunette walks up to Mary

???: missing this?

Mary turns around and sees him smiling and holding it

Mary: yes thank you so much you don't understand how much this means to me

Riker was eyeballing the guy

Tony: my names Tony

Mary: I'm Mary

Tony: hi Mary...can I put your necklace on you?

Mary: sure thanks

She turns around and holds up her hair for him to latch the necklace

Tony: so is that you're dad in the army

Mary: umm was...he passed away a few weeks ago

Tony: I'm so dads in the Navy

Mary: I hope he stays safe

They continue to talk back and forth and Riker walks up and puts his arm around Mary

Mary: oh Tony this is my boyfriend Riker and his band

Tony: nice to meet you guys I'll see ya Mary

he smiles and walked away

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