Murder Day

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   Murder Day 

                                                          Friday 13th November 2013    14:58 

 I'd never given much thought to how I would die, though I'd had reason enough in the last few months, but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this. I'm only 14? We're too young to die, every teenager and child is, right? I'd always lock the doors for murder day, and I'd replace the windows for shatterproof the day before. But this year I forgot.  

"I'm dead," I whispered in class. 

"Huh, Jennifer?" Mrs Baxton asked me. 

"Oh, sorry," 

"Ok, anyway class, be careful tonight, and lock all doors and windows if you are not joining in the celebration, and off you go." 

 I was so scared about tonight, I ran home, as fast as I could, even in my high heels, I didn't care, just get me home! 



It took me almost an hour, to get home. But right this moment, I really didn't give a fudge cake about how long it took me, or what time it is. All I really cared about was, staying alive! 

"Mum, I'm home!" I shouted from downstairs, waiting for mum to reply. 

I walked upstairs, scared, shivering, worried to death. My eyes filled with tears as I fell to the ground. "Mum?" I cried, as she lay on the ground, almost dead. "Oh mum! You were the only person I had left!" 

"Honey, I love you so much, I can't let you die tonight." My mum muttered to me, with tears coming from her eyes. I could see that it hurt her if she moved. I was starting to become scared and worried. What if someone was hiding in my house? 

"I love you more mum," I said kissing her forehead and hugging her with tears slowly coming from my eyes, "I don't want you to die, but no medical services will be working today. Wait! Stay here!" I know she couldn’t move anyway but I was just making sure she knew that I was going to do something. 

I pegged it downstairs and looked in the family's emergency cupboard, I know I am an only child and only me and my mum live in this house but still. I grabbed a few packets of bandages, plasters, pain killers, cream for soothing and a roll of super soft loo roll. I put them in a plastic bag and ran back upstairs into my mums bedroom. 

"It's going to be okay mum, I'll help you for tonight but tomorrow I will take you to the hospital. I know you hate the hospital but it's the best thing for you." I softly stroked her head and kissed it. I saw a tear fall from her eye to her cheek and to the floor. 

I poured everything from the bag onto the bedroom floor. I placed a bowl of luke warm water onto the floor next to me. With my finger I gently dipped it into the water and dapped gently around the cuts. "I'm sorry if it stings but it's for the best." I whisper, slowly crying. I gently dabbed the soothing cream on the massive mark where she was cut with a sharp knife, and wrapped a bandage around her cut. I ran downstairs again and grabbed a glass of water and a straw and ran back upstairs. I placed the straw in the glass of water and took 2 pain killers from the packet. I placed them in my mums hand and watch her sip the water and place a pain killer in her mouth. She swallows it slowly and takes her time before taking the other pain killer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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