Change Your Words Change Your World....

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I put less on an effort now because I know I can't achieve it or i'm give up on it.... either way i'm trying..

hard enough??

nope i'm too blind in the pain... even do its not my place to say such a word that I can't compare to others who live in much suffering then I am but for this time I live through my own ache...

a hand??

when we become much older less hand is pulling us up then the hand push us down.. too many ignorance since everyone is blind by their own life and always thinks their life is good enough then others...

people can always preach but less people leads...more people are giving up because less people are patience enough to care...

in real life there are no third chance because we are not practice baseball.

the third strike than you are OUT...

they always say "why should i stay while they didn't have the willing to change."

so the best question is how do you know they aren't?? how do you know what written inside their mind or their hearts?? or how may hard time that they are battling their own thought every second when they are awake and nightmare they have to encounter when they are a sleep...

Do we ever count that?? we always seen the big issues of life but we forget the little part of it.... but do remember before something gets big it started with something small

everybody wanted what their hearts desire for people to understand what they are or who they are..but people often forget about it and started to labeling and ignore the sinister in their sine as far for those people say "let them be in their land....and vanish in our life thought they are not our brother nor sister as they are far from our belief"

so wrong of people to easily judge others when they doesn't like to be judge.... the world we are living now if full of bullshit and all....fasten your seatbelts there will be bumpy ride for a happy life that you dream for.....

aree_naz29 July 13 2014

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