Part 1/5

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Kim Mihyun is a hard worker. She is the textbook perfect student that all teachers adore. This, however, doesn't mean she has a lot of friends. She has next to none actually, only person willing to put up with her (apart from her sister) being Jiho, who by the way is considered very popular. But who can blame her? Her looks, loveable personality and friendly aura has earned her quite a bit of liking among the girls and boys in their school. Jiho has tons of friends. And Mihyun just happens to be one of them. Sure, the younger is constantly reminding her that Mihyun is in fact her only real friend and that could be justified by how much time the two actually spend together. But Mihyun sometimes can't help but feel that Jiho just uses her to feel better about herself. Like some sort of self-esteem boost. Because after all, look at her. Mihyun isn't pretty, she has no talents besides maybe being good at maths, and everyone knows her as just being Jiho's friend. At the end of the day though, they love each other. Differences aside, they're best friends and nothing can ever separate them.

Okay, maybe something can. Or more precisely, someone. Miss Park. The English teacher. Who put Mihyun in a group with the new girl. 


Looking across the classroom to see Jiho with Yubin, one of her other friends, made her even more annoyed. The two were happily completing the planning worksheet for their poster, seeming as if they couldn't have asked for a better partner.

Mihyun sighed, shifting her attention back to the girl in front of her. Yoo Yeonju was her name. She literally just came to this school today, clear nervosity written all over her. She seemed timid and shy, just the kind of people Mihyun hated. But of course Miss Park assigned them together, because after all Mihyun was "our top student" and will "surely take care of Yeonju" and "help her accustom to the new environment."

"What do you want to start with?" she asked, voice coming out more cold than intended but it couldn't be helped.

"I... Maybe... We should decide on a country first."

Mihyun nodded. "Okay. How about Australia. They speak English there, and I'm sure no one else picked it already."

"O- Okay."

They started filling out the sheet, Mihyun barking out answers and Yeonju nodding carefully at her suggestions. They were almost finished when the bell rang, signalling lunch time.

"See you tomorrow then," Mihyun rushed, grabbing her backpack and practically running out of the classroom. She made her way through the stream of students, effectively dodging people in her way. She had gotten really good at this. Her small frame and quick legs made it easy to get to where she wanted without bumping into people. She blended into the masses just fine, she could swiftly pass through any crowd and feel content. She liked crowds. Because she blended in so easily. It felt nice to be part of one big thing. When she was alone, she was only reminded of how lonely she was. Even at home, her parents would barely spare her a glance, too busy with work. Her sister Mieun would sometimes hang out with her, but only if Jiho was there. Which was often. But Mihyun would often ask her sister to leave them alone. Mostly because she didn't want to feel like a third wheel. There was the cat though...

When she was just about to enter the cafeteria, she felt a tug at her school uniform jacket. She turned around to see Yoo Yeonju, slightly out of breath, looking rather flustered.

"Is this where we eat lunch?" she asked, motioning towards the large dining hall behind her. Her voice was quiet, merely a whisper, but Mihyun heard her loud and clear.

Did she run after me?

"Uh... Yeah." She smiled awkwardly before turning around once more to enter the cafeteria.

Mihyun paced towards the queue, mentally cursing for not being quick enough. Now she'd have to wait. She noticed that the new girl was still following her, taking uncertain steps behind her and making sure to not get the older out of sight. When Mihyun was taking her food, Yeonju stood next to her and put the same items on her own tray. To some extent, Mihyun understood her. It was a new place, she had no way of knowing where the cafeteria was, what food was good or where it was okay to sit, but did it have to be her? Why of all people did the new girl have to follow Mihyun?

The cafeteria was practically full, students buzzing around everywhere. Mihyun wasn't used to this, she would normally be here among the first people to arrive and would get to pick a seat wherever. But that wouldn't happen today she realized, and with a pout she began searching for an empty seat.

To her great displeasure, the table Jiho usually sits at was already fully occupied with her friend and her friends and of course, Mieun. But there, at a table next to the huge window, there were a few unoccupied seats. Mihyun made a beeline towards the table, hurriedly claiming a chair. And there, right in front of her, was Yeonju, taking the seat opposite to hers.

Mihyun didn't know how to react. She was partly baffled at the fact that Yeonju had actually kept up with her, partly pissed that she wouldn't just leave her alone and partly struck with how beautiful this girl was. She hadn't even noticed it until now. Everyone else clearly had, the boys around her stealing glances, some just blatantly staring.

Mihyun eyed her judgingly as she began to rip open the plastic container her salad was in. She prepared the meal by pouring out the dressing over the lettuce and spreading out the cheese, meat and cucumber, never breaking eye contact with Yeonju. Mihyun took a sip from her water bottle.

The girl stared right back, wide-eyed and fingers worrying at the hem of her shirt. When Mihyun finally began eating and shifted her gaze towards her meal, Yeonju let out the breath she was holding. She mirrored Mihyun's previous actions by preparing her own salad, albeit a little carefully.

They ate in silence, both deep in their own thoughts, not really minding the loud voices around them. Something Mihyun missed, however, was how Yeonju looked up every now and then, stealing glances of the blonde in front of her. It was no doubt bleached, the hair, but it looked soft. And Yeonju wondered what it would feel like to touch it.

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