my mates a human and my boss?!

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It's another day at the bloody Bowl. The waiters are hustling to and fro taking orders from our guests as the caterers rush to make the special dinner order for my 2 favorite regulars nathaniel and emerald the alp & luna of the silver moon pack.
*Something feels off. Hmmm i wonder if something will hapen today.. Just as i thought that my best friend kamara swatted my arm.
  Fwack! "Oow kamara that hurt! I've asked u before to control ur strenght girl, jeeze!?!" I yelled. Yeah yelled Kamara is a hybrid lycan/ vamp and has the streangth of both her parents combined "Sorry aggy, i did try though and u wouldn't snap out of it. Any way Lucian called." kamara said.
Woah, that snaped me out of it. Lucian is the leader of the coven in California. He's only came here a few times since he found out out i was human.  I know he means well and i respect that, even told him so myself. Lucian trusts me quite a bit now, but he's still cautious.
  * well this is suprising what does he want?.  "Alright, hand it over. Lets see what he wants" i said.
Kamara hands over the phone and walks away to do her job. 
  I put the phone to my ear when i see its already dialing."hello lucian i never thought u would call me whats the occasion "
   " sigh hello aggy,  im calling because i have a favor to ask u."" whats up?" i said "My sons are so spitefull of everything!... They think because there royalty they can get away with it. I've tried to discipline them but it just makes it even worse." he said in an angry tone. Lucians sons r twins...but were born two days apart.( a first for vampire births)
    " ok, what do u want me to do about it?" i asked. Im pretty sure i know what he wants me to do but im still going to ask.
" i want u to put them to work at ur resturant, i know its a nuteral zone there." he said exasperated.
  " Ooookaaayee, what do u want me to do if they dont listen." i ask evily. I love a good punishment mua haha
"Anything u want, i dont care what u do or what punishment u give them just whip them into shape. I give u full range." he said.
Wow lucian sounds frustrated as hell. I still cant believe he's asking me this. Aaaah! I cant wait let the challenge begin. " ok lucian i accept. When should i expect them?." i asked.
   " tommorow. If they dont show on time i expect u to rack there heads" Lucian says evily. I can just imagine him smirking like a madman. Lol. "  ok i will. By the time they're done with their first day theyll will be whipped." i said smiling to myself. " i got to go lucian ill see your sons tommorow, ill call u later bye." i hung up knowing hed understand why. Oh man, i cant wait for tommorow!!.

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