Are We Becoming Something?

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We went to my place and watch The Notebook as we sat there on the couch I could feel him trying to get closer I didnt mind it though I scooted closer too. I looked at him and asked if he was hungry.

"Yeah, actually Iam ha ha".  He chuckled

"Does pizza sound good?" I asked

"Yeah it sounds good". He replied

So I order a cheese pizza for us and we ate and watched the rest of the movie it was about 11:00 I asked him

"Wanna watch another one? I don't work tomorrow. Do you?" 

"Yes i would love to, and no I don't work tomorrow" . He said with a smirk

We started the other movie and soon we both passed out my head was on his shoulder I didn't feel it but he moved and he put the pillow on the couch under my head and then had got up and made coffee I woke up a little bit after and I then realize he wasn't on the couch next to me anymore I got up and went into the kitchen he was sitting at the table reading a book in one hand and had his coffee in the other.

"Good morning sleepy head" He said to me with a smile.

"I made coffee, i'll poor you a cup" he said.

He had got done pooring me a cup and sat it in front of me on the table.

"Thank you" I replied

"So what do you say we get dressed and go out to lunch?"He asked

"Yeah, well I have to take a shower is that fine?

"Yeah I'll pick you up around what ten?

"Yeah that would be great!"

He left and I had gotten in to the shower and then after my shower I choose my outfit and got ready by the time I was done it was time. I heard my door open with his heading popping in asking if it was okay to come in I said yeah and he came in I grabbed my purse and keys and then we were out the door as we walked I could smell the cologne that he had woren the first time we meet.

I found youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora