Chapter 4 : The Armadillo and the New Girl

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**Ava's POV**

The next day, I completely steered clear away from Josh and his friends. I know I unwillingly went out to lunch with them, but that didn't mean I liked them. They're the notorious bad boys. I'm odd redhead with the babbling problem. As the cliché states it: We're from two totally different worlds. Plus, they'd probably already forgotten about me.

So, as I did what I always do--I avoided the situation, and kept on keeping on. Hey...Is kept a word? I mean, I know it's a word but it sorta sounds like the kind of sound an animal would make. Keep! Keep! Maybe like a lemur or something. I smiled.

I pushed my way through the crowd of people at school on this dreadful Monday morning. However, it wasn't as terrible today. I mean, I had some French toast (yum) for breakfast, my mom's stupid boyfriend Carl didn't come over yesterday, and I had my headphones in my ears--listening to some Jimmy Eat World, so all was good in the land of Ava. Hey, that'd be pretty cool. 'Land of Ava'. That'd be a pure Utopia. There'd be nothing but Oreos, hot chocolate, and-


"Oomf!" I got the wind knocked out of me, and just like that--I was on the ground.

Really Ava? Again?

I huffed, expecting to look up and see Lexi and her little entourage looking down at me, laughing at how they humiliated poor little Ava once again, but instead I saw my sock monkey pencil case being picked up (don't you judge me, I'm just living my life) and the rest of my books and papers being gathered from the school floors.

And if you think everyone just went on about their business at the sight of me falling on my buttocks--you are sadly mistaken.

Aaron, (question mark) laughed as he and his friends walked past me.

"Damn Ava! Back at it again!" He jeered with his dumb football team.

I frowned looking at my feet. "That's a nickel in the swear jar," I muttered to myself as I stood up and picked up the rest of my things. And of course, me the magnificent Ava who's not clumsy "whatsoever"

Bonked heads with the new girl.

"Huh. Maybe this will undo the damage that happened to you when you were dropped on your head as an infant." My conscious said nonchalantly. My mouth gaped.

You're so mean!

You're so clumsy.

Ugh. You're giving me a headache.

Well, gee. I wonder why.

I scrunched my face. What a sour wolf. My head throbbed for a second.

"Ouch," I muttered, rubbing my forehead.

"God, I'm so sorry!" The girl chuckled and winced at the same time. She rubbed her forehead as well and gave me a slight smile.

Well that's a first. I thought.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I took a deep breath. Remember the French toast Ava. Remember the French toast...

I am calm.

I am one with the Oreo Gods.

"Yeah, thanks." I mumbled softly. She gave me a small smile and returned my belongings to me. I gave her an odd look, but she didn't seem to notice it as she put some of my fallen pencils back into its original place.

Okay, something definitely wasn't right here. She's being...nice to me? No ones ever nice to me. Ever.

Well, unless you count Joci, the lunch lady who gives me extra tater-tots but that's besides the point.

"Gosh, I'm so dumb." She chuckled. "I'm new here,"

Bingo. I thought. She doesn't know me yet, but once she does--it'll be game over from here. Sort of like the ending of Super Mario. Like that little song at the end when you lose? Man, I love that song. Dun, dun, dun, dundu--

"AVA, FOCUS." My stupid conscious said.

"Alright, sheesh."

"Why are you so weird?"

"I don't know. You're my conscious. You tell me."

"UGH. Just listen to her"

"And I was trying to find my Home Ec. Class before the bell rang and, well you know what they say: No running in the hallways for a reason right?" She laughed.

Oh snap. What was she saying?

I just shrugged and looked at my shoes. It's not that I was uninterested by the conversation, it's that there were two choices here. One, stay silent and eliminate the risk of saying something stupid. Or two, babble until she gets a restraining order.

"I'm Mia by the way!" She snapped me out of my thoughts.

Mia. She was really pretty. No, not like a Lexi kind of pretty. Like a real, genuine pretty. She had the most gorgeous dark skin--so I'm presuming she's African American. Her long curly dark hair went just above her waist, dark brown eyes and overall just had a gorgeous complexion. Plus, her legs went on for days. She was incredibly tall. Lucky. I bet she doesn't need to ask for help getting the Froot Loops off the high shelf at her grandparents house.

"So," she continued. Wow. This has to be some sort of record. This is the longest I've ever held a conversation without babbling! Just stay cool, Ava. You got this.

"You wouldn't happen to know where Home Ec. Is, would you?" She smiled. Man, her teeth were so white. And incredibly straight.

Wait, Home Ec.?

"I have Home Ec." I told her calmly.



She smiled at me. "Awesome! You mind taking me up there?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but I was interrupted.

"AVA!!!" I heard someone yell. Then footsteps sprinting down the hallway towards me.

Okay, now bear with me here. Like any normal person--a first instinct to someone running straight towards you at full speed can vary upon many things. You may flinch, take a step back, hey maybe even get a little violent. So I did what a lot of people might do.

I fell to the ground in an armadillo position.

By this time, the hallway had began to clear out and the only ones here were a few other students, me, Mia and--

"Oh, what the hell is this?" The voice held annoyance. And from the tone of it, I know it came from Eric. And if I heard Eric, that means it was Riley who was running towards me. So if Eric and Riley are here; that means...

A deep chuckle erupted from above me.

"What's up, armadillo?"

Oh fish biscuits.


okay I've been gone for literally two years and this is what I give you?!


jk pls don't I'm soz

okay: so my inspiration has spiked. I was reading some of these comments and I love them. Every single one. I like the positive ones, the negative ones. It's fantastic!!! It feels more real to me somehow.

So, a few things. Cast change up. (S/o to the person who commented "She reminds me of Harper from Wizards of Waverley Place" because well now, that's happening.)
Jennifer Stone as Ava

Matthew Daddario as Eric

Kelcie Marie as Mia
But yeah!!! I'm back baby and I'm coming back strong. ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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