[1] - [A Troubled Heart]

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Today, we plan to start sailing towards Kanto to visit Lillie. Moon and her mom have been planning to visit home, so we all decided to go with them. I hope I get to see my father, too. There's just one problem. Gladion doesn't seem to want to see Lillie, which I guess is due to those past events.

Arriving at the Aether Paradise, where I presume Gladion is, I asked the employee at the desk. "Excuse me, is Gladion here?"

"Are you a friend of his?" She asked, examining me with a confused expression. I guess...he's never had many friends?

"Y-yes, I am," I stuttered a little. He never actually called me his 'friend', but by now, we should be friends.

"Hmm, he's in the conservation lab."

After that I went over to the elevator and pressed for the lab. Done there, I looked around for Gladion. When I find him, he's playing with his Silvally. He looked happy. I'd never seen him smile before. It made me smile.

"Um, Gladion?" I called to him, causing him to almost fall over as Silvally ran towards me.

"Silvally! Don't just run at someone like that," Gladion scolded him. "By the way, did you see any of what just happened...?" His face got a little red.

"Oh, I did. I never thought you could smile like that," I replied, making him grow even redder.

"W-well, what did you want?"

"I really want you to come with us to Kanto." I said to him. Gladion sighed.

"I told you. I don't want to see her." He replied sternly.

"But Lillie wants to see you. She misses you." I told him trying to convince him. He sighed.

"...I'll think about it." Gladion finally decided.


Ariving in Seafolk Village, I don't see Gladion anywhere. I'm worried he won't come. Moon and her mom arrived shortly after, along with Professor Kukui. I had brought my stuff, which is just my clothes, phone, and pokemon.

Just as I'm boarding the ship, I see Gladion arrive with a small bag of luggage. I quickly turned around and shouted, "Gladion, over here!" With a smile. As he turned towards me, I thought for just a second that I might have seen him blush, just a little, but it must have been my imagination.

When everyone was in board, Kukui divided us into the two rooms on thee boat. Gladion and I in one, Moon and her mom in the other. Moon's mom asked, "Professor, where are you going to sleep, then?"

"The captain quarters, of course!" He replied with a sharp grin. He was going to be the one steering, so that made him the captain.

We quickly got settled in our rooms. We had bunk beds, so I took the top bunk. Gladion got the bottom one. I looked over the side of the bed to see him staring at a picture of Lusamine on his phone. I guess he misses her. "Hey. Are you alright?"

"W-wha-! Ah, I'm f-fine..." He replied, surprised and a little embarrassed.

"Oh, you just looked sad..." I flashed a sad expression at him. Gladion looked away.

"W-well, I'm just worried about her. "
He sighed and put his phone in his pocket. Just then, Moon's mom called us to lunch.

We walked down to the main room. There was a small table, with plates of food set. We sat down next to each other. When everyone was there, we started to eat. "Wow! Moon, your mom's an amazing cook!" I complimented her. Moon smiled back.

"Why thank you, Hau." Her mother replied.

We finished eating, then went our separate ways. I went to the front of the ship, while Gladion went back to his room.

"So, how are you enjoying this trip so far, Hau?" I turn to see Moon's mom.

"I'm having lots of fun!" I say with a smile.

"You sure? You seem a little off." She replied, noticing the tint if sadness in my expression.

"Ah, its...just I'm worried about Gladion." I paused. "I'm not sure if he likes me..."

"I think he's just shy. He'll open up in no time." She smiled.

I sighed. "I hope so..." I answered as I went to my room for the night.


Waking up at dawn, I see that Gladion isn't here. I walk out to the front of the ship, and stand behind the door. I find Gladion talking to someone on the phone. Upon listening, I hear that it's Lillie.

"One more thing, Lillie. Is..." Gladion paused, and sighed. "...Mother okay?"

"Oh, she's better, but not in perfect condition."

"Well, thanks for taking care of her. I guess I'll see you soon."

"Yeah. Thanks for coming, Gladion."

He turned off his phone, and put his head on the railing. He...doesn't look good. He looks troubled. He did run away from his family, so I guess I can see why. He turns around, so I quickly run back to our room, panting. "That...was close..."

"What was close?" I turn around to see Gladion right behind me. My heart sank in to my chest. Did he see me...? We stood in silence for a little till Gladion spoke up again. "Did you...eavesdrop on me?"

"Ah...um- I didn't mean too, I just woke up...and you weren't here, so I-"

"It's fine, but I'd rather not talk about that. Just letting you know." He said sternly.

"B-but, I'm worried-"

"Don't be. I'm fine." It seemed like he wanted to say something else, but stopped. I know he's not fine, just by looking at him! Something is definitely wrong. I just can't...

"I just...w-want to..." I reply, on the brink of crying. I see Gladion's eyes widen as I run out of the room.

"Hau! Wait-" I hear him shout as I ran into the bathroom.


As I look in the mirror, I regret running away. I could help him, I just...don't know how.

I hear Raichu come out. "Rai...?" They say sadly.

"Raichu... I don't know...w-what to do..." I say as I hug them. "Thank you for being here for me..."


You just have a very troubled heart...
And I want to help you.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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