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Hadley p.o.v

I heard a someone unlocking the door so I threw the phone back into my boot. A guy came in and grabbed my hands shoved me out of the room. he hit me on the head and I passed out.

Niall p.o.v

We were in the back of an FBI truck, tracking her phone GPS. When it started to move as fast as a car. we were close half a mile away from the phone and I was just holding she was ok. we got closer and closer until we saw a big black van. It had pulled over so we got out to investigate. we went around the side if the car and there was a guy holding a gun to Hadley's head. the police surrounded him, all pointing their guns at him.

"Drop your weapon" one of the officers said strictly

"No I don't care if I die, as long as she does too" he said confidently

"Lower your weapons" he said and did some hand signal

"Why do you want her dead" I asked

"Cause it not fair that she gets to live her dream, I wanted to be a lawyer but cause I'm homeless and have no money I can't"

"If you let her go I will buy you a house and pay for you to go to Harvard" I said just wanting her back

"Really" he said loosening his grip on her

"Of course just let her go, please" I begged

"Okay but I will kill her if you don't do what you said" he said letting her go

She ran to me and the cops cuffed him. I yelled to him I would when he got out of prison. then I just stood there and held her in my arms. I never wanted to let go of her, never.

2 weeks later

Hadley p.o.v

We were on set of the boys new kiss you music video and I was still a little shaken up about what had happened 2 weeks ago. I walked in and saw a bunch of random stuff then turned around and saw 4 shirtless boys. they looked good, especially Niall.

"Hey guys look I'm superman and I can fly" we heard Louis scream from somewhere.

"Louis no you can't it's just wires" Liam yelled up at Louis who was hanging from the ceiling in a superman costume

"Your just jealous" he said as he was lowered to the ground

They made the video and it was very interesting. it involved a motercycle, a shark, and Harry's four nipples. They had fun though so we went for ice cream afterwards. then we went home watched toy story and I fell asleep on Niall's chest.

Sorry the 2 weeks later part was short but I wanted to put in somewhere that Louis could fly because someone was nice enough to come up with an idea. also that last part was dedicated to @words_scar because they came up with the idea. thanks for reading just got 101 reads!!! Exciting!!!😝

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