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You always knew you could find peace and quiet on the beach at night. During the day, it would be bustling with strangers. You, being the socially awkward teenager that you were, preferred to avoid that time of day. However, you'd never had any problem with being on the beach at night. On occasion, there would be couples going for a jog or just sitting in the sand, but you were at least able to walk in peace.

The sky was clear tonight, and it was speckled with stars that created so much light that the sky appeared purple. You stopped to stare for a moment before continuing on your walk. Ah, it's so pretty. I wish I could just stare at a sky like this forever. With the lights reflecting off the water, it's almost as though I could just walk forward and suddenly find myself floating in space.

It wasn't long before your thoughts returned to what was troubling you. The upcoming exams. You had been stressing out for weeks since you really wanted to go to Karasuno High School. If you didn't pass your entrance exams, your hopes and dreams would be shattered. With a sigh, you sat down on the sand. You closed your eyes and played with the sand, trying to clear your mind. You had almost completely calmed down when you heard the sound of a voice in the distance. It sounded like someone was crying.

Curious, you stood up and followed the sound. Once you were close enough, you could see a figure sitting on top of a rock. Whoever it was, they seemed to be in deep distress. You debated for a moment on whether or not you should interfere. The good person inside you wanted to help, but you were also afraid that you wouldn't be able to do anything.

After a brief internal debate, you decided to approach the figure. You hid behind another rock to get a closer look. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a boy. He had black hair that was slightly longer than average. He's definitely crying. You realized.

"Excuse me," you quietly called out, "are you... are you alright?"

The boy jumped. "Uh... I... I just... Erm..." He stammered.

You immediately started to apologize.

"No, don't apologize." The boy said, wiping tears from his eyes. "You just startled me."

"Still, sorry about that." You said.

He let out a little chuckle. "To answer your question, no. I am definitely not okay."

You didn't speak for a moment, and he glanced over to see if you were still there.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You eventually asked.

"Would you really be willing to listen?" He quietly replied.

"Of course."

"Here, climb up and take a seat." He said, extending his arm to help you up.

You climbed up and sat next to him on the rock. You were finally able to get a good look at his face. Even in the dim light, you could see that he had several freckles on his cheeks and across his nose. His eyes were a dim grey. You wondered if they would turn a lighter color when he wasn't so emotional. The two of you sat in silence as you patiently waited for him to gather his thoughts.

After a while, he spoke.

"Well, first of all, thank you for sitting here with me." He began. "That's helped a lot already."

"I'm glad." You said.

"So, the thing is, my best friend - and my only friend - is currently really angry with me. He's stopped talking to me. I feel so... alone." He began to cry again. "I don't know what to do. I'm not even sure what I did wrong."

You placed your hand on his shoulder. He flinched a little bit, causing you to pull back.

"Sorry," He apologized. "I'm not used to friendly touch."

"Oh, my bad." You said. "I didn't know."


"Well," You began. "I'm sorry about your friend. That really sucks."

Gosh, I'm so bad at comforting people.

"It really does." He replied. "Hey, what's your name?"

"I'm (y/n). What's yours?" You answered.

"Yamaguchi Tadashi."

"Pleasure to meet you." You said.

"You too."

You sat on the rock with Yamaguchi for at least another hour, letting him rant and cry on your shoulder the whole time. He wouldn't stop thanking you for what you were doing, and would always follow his thanks up with an apology for being problematic. It took everything in your power to convince him that he wasn't being a burden.

Deciding to change the subject, you brought up the fact that you've also been stressing out lately. Yamaguchi listened to you talk about entrance exams, and immediately jumped into the conversation.

"No way, are you starting high school next year too?" He asked, a tiny bit of light slipping back into his eyes.

You nodded. "It's always been my dream to get into Karasuno. Where are you going to try to go?"

Yamaguchi let out an audible gasp. "Hey, I'm trying to go there too! My friend and I are determined to get into that school."

"Woah!" You exclaimed. "That's awesome!"

"You shouldn't stress so much. You're a great person, and I'm sure you'll do well." He said with a slight smile.

It was then when you realized how cute the boy you were talking to was. You felt yourself blush slightly, but the darkness of the night prevented Yamaguchi from seeing that.

Yamaguchi checked the time. With a sigh, he muttered that he really needed to be heading home. You agreed as you didn't want to get caught after being out so late. You looked into Yamaguchi's eyes one last time.

"Well, I hope to see you at Karasuno!"

He smiled. "You too."

Before you even had time to react, he pulled you into a hug.

"W-what?" You stammered.

"I just wanted to show my gratitude. Thank you for everything you've done tonight, (y/n)." Yamaguchi said. "Could we keep in touch?"

You were still flustered from the hug. "Yeah... yeah, I'll give you my number."

"Really?" He asked, surprised.

You nodded.

"Wow," he stated. "Does this mean we're... friends?"

"Yes. I'd love to be friends with you." You responded.

Yamaguchi's eyes immediately lit up. "Oh man, this means I'll have two friends once I convince Tsukki to stop being mad at me!"

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