forced baby harry (part 1)

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ok so I decided to do the first part of the story please read and let me know what you thoughts are. thanks


Liam's pov

we are on our break this year which is nice not that I don't like to tour or all the fans just it gets stressful at times. I was watching TV with Zayn and Niall while Louis is trying to see where harry is.

you see harry has been going out partying and getting drunk and completely not taking care of himself for over a week now and the rest of boys and I are trying to stop it like we've tried to talk to him. but he wouldn't listen he just went out and got drunk once again so now me and the boys are thinking of something to do to get our sweet little hazza back.

Louis pov

I've just rang harry again and still no answer from him it almost midnight and still no signs of him . I go back to the lounge room were everyone is watching TV. ok lads he's not answering his phone and it's almost midnight and I'm starting to really wore about him. I just don't know what to do anymore its like every time we try and talk to him he just goes out and get's drunk.

I know lad he's just not taking care of himself as any normally 19 year old would zayn said. I just don't know what to do any more I just want my best friend back Niall said almost in tears. hang on I think I have an idea on how we can get our baby hazza back Liam said as he jumped of the lunge. ok lad what is because at this moment I'll try anything just to get our hazza back I said. ok so are we all on bored to do my idea Liam said. we all nodded for him to explain his idea to us.

Niall's pov

once Liam finish explaining to us his idea about age-play and treating harry like a baby and stuff I thought ok but how are we going to do it because sure of eggs he's not going to be happy about It I said to rest of the lads which was just Louis and zayn because Liam went to get diapers and bottles and onuses and every thing a really baby would need he even found a place that sells adult sized cribs and changing tables and even an adult sized high chair.

so now Liam has arrived back home he showed us every thing and we decided to set up his nursery in the spare bed room. once we were done we decided to go over and talk how were going to do this.

Harrys pov

that was so munch fun I said to my friend who dropped me of at the house at like 2 in the morning. I stubble to get up the stars and to the front door as soon as I was in I saw the rest of lads sitting on the sofa with their arms crossed heyyyyy lads I giggled because I'm so drunk.

Hi harry can you please go up to your room and lay on your bed Liam said all sweet, like he was talking to a toddler in a way. Okey and with that I'm heading up to my room and as soon as my face hits the pillow I'm out like a light.

Liam pov

As soon as I told harry to go to his room witch thankfully he did, the rest of us sprung into action. We went up to Harry's room, To see him asleep is good, so will be able to do this with no problems I hope. Niall and Louis tock of Harry's pants and boxers careful not to wake him, while I put the nappy on him and a onesie and we picked him up and put him in his new nursery in the crib. he looked so cute but tomorrow will be the day will most likely be hell.

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