Chapter 3 - Stranger...?

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Richard was used to this kind of treatment. He put on a smile as the barista snapped a picture of him. He knew that the event started in about 20 minutes but he was always a sucker for a cup of tea. He ordered a simple tea and collected it before he saw a boy wearing a bright red scarf tightly around his neck, brown hair gently swept over his eyes. The boy looked sad, hardly sad he looked destroyed. Richard pulled up the zipper of his black hoodie and placed some dark sunglasses on the bridge of his nose before he approached, sitting down in front of him. "Hey there." Richard cooed "Why the long face, cutie?" He asked, genuinely curious about this small male.

In the middle of Eren wallowing in his sorrow, he felt the presence of another male. He slowly looked up and saw someone with sunglasses, a dark jacket and bright red hair. When they spoke their voice sounded oh so familiar, but Eren didn't think anything of it. Hearing the question being asked he mumbled out "My boyfriend won't let me go to the convention in town to see Gay Prince... Even though this is the first time he has come to this town which I haven't been in college for..." He looked absolutely devastated , his head drooped down and his body language slumped. Whenever Eren got beat up, yelled at or just felt sad he would depend on Gay prince to help him feel better, and every single time he succeeded, it was incredible. Trae not letting him go to the convention was like a kick in the ribs then a push to the ground, then a stomp for extra measure.

Richard felt pity. This poor boy had obviously set his life on going to this convention, his heart, his soul, just to see a YouTuber. Gay Prince, after all would be leaving America in three weeks and returning back home to London to see his asshole cat Levi. "Oh... I'm heading to the convention anyway. I could give you a lift?" Richard offered with a kind smile. "I can see you're a huge fan of m-his"

Eren brightened up instantly, he had a chance! A small slither of hope that he could see his idol! Of course, it would be through a crowd and... He was pretty short so he wouldn't see much, maybe if he was lucky he would get a signed shirt, but at least it was something! "You could?!" He exclaimed with a grin that lit up any sorrow. "I would love that! If... It isn't too much trouble to you of course." He slightly bowed his head in embarrassment before looking back up at him slightly, a sheepish smile painted across his pink lips "Sorry I got so excited it's just that... Gay prince has gotten me through so much in life."

After Eren got over his fanboy session, Richard smiled "Yeah, come on, my car is parked out front." His expression held a smirk which Eren found deathly suspicious, it even made him question going with him. He didn't know him after all. But alas, he went with the stranger. He finished his hot chocolate and made sure his scarf was nice and tight around his neck.

Richard led the boy outside, his hand gently resting on the male's lower back, internally smirking at the shock the boy would receive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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