Chapter Three

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The "party" was exactly as Oli had described: an excuse to drink. In the corner of one of the dressing rooms someone had set up their laptop with iTunes and it was playing soft background music as small gatherings of people talked. Oli handed me a diet coke as we walked into the room and I grimaced, exchanging it for a light beer as soon as he looked away. I had had enough diet coke for one night.

"Aren't you driving tonight?" Oli asked, slipping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"I'm guessing this party won't end for a few hours." I replied. I didn't need him to lecture me on the rules of drinking and driving. Especially as his own nose wasn't the cleanest in that area. He chuckled anyway, and led me over to where a familiar looking brunette stood, with Lee and Jordan.

"You played a good set, what setup have you got?" Josh was asking Lee, who was only too happy to provide him with the answers. After he had, Josh turned towards us. "Oliver, nice to see you again."

"You better get used to it. We're touring together for another twenty days."

"Trust me, I will." Josh smiled at him, before turning to me. "Australia!"

"Not my name." I shot. I recovered from my almost antisocial gesture and smiled, "but close enough." Josh seemed ruffled, and turned his attention back to Lee, and their setups. I cursed myself mentally. There goes another friend opportunity.

"Jenna," Oli whispered in my ear, "be nice." I smiled grimly at him.

"I'll be back." Slithering out of his grasp, I had walked over to where James stood before he could attempt to stop me.

"Nice socializing over there." James chuckled, nodding his head towards the disgruntled Josh and the tense atmosphere I had left in my wake. I opened the beer bottle and took a drag.

"That's what I do." I said. "Are you the DD?"

James had only a glass of water in his hands, all the signs of someone who would be driving. He gestured to my own hands clutching the beer. "Nah,but I should be. I'm guessin' you're not either?"

"I am. But one beer won't hurt, will it?"

"Probably not. This party will go on to 2am, I'd say." He estimated, taking a sip of water. I checked my watch as I took a sip of my own drink; almost three hours away. I rolled my eyes and suggested,

"Do you want to come back to the bus and watch movies?"

James mulled over the question for a few seconds before asking, "What movies do you have?"

"Mainly chick flicks, but I'm sure we can dig through the guy's stuff." I smiled, glad to do something Oli had wanted me to do in a while; socialise. We walked out into the corridor, and I left my open beer on a table, deciding against drinking it. As I turned the corner, I felt a pair of eyes dig into my back. I'll be fine, Oli.

"So, we have Inception," I started, listing off the DVD's that the guys had in their cases.

"Yeah, that." James said from the kitchen / living room area. He was making popcorn; a classic movie companion, and getting the kettle ready to make hot drinks. I was having tea, coffee was too strong for me to have before bed, and he coffee.

I walked out to the kitchenette with the case in my hands. Kneeling on the seats I popped it into the player, listening to the sounds of the kernels infrequent popping.

"I can rifle through the other movies, you know." I said, turning around slightly to catch James' eye. He was watching the kernels pop too.

"It's fine. Truth be told I've never seen it. I've heard it's good though." James admitted, taking the popcorn out of the microwave.

"Really? Well be ready for a real mind fuck." I joked, pressing play and standing up to get the beverages ready. "Sit, I'll be there in a moment."

I passed James his coffee and sat down next to him, my own cup of milo, a chocolate flavoured drink, in my hands. I had decided against tea; it too was too strong tonight. I threw a few pieces of popcorn in my mouth and started chewing, leaning into James for warmth.

- - -

"What did you think of the movie?" I asked. We had ended up changing positions halfway through the movie. I had grabbed a blanket from the bunks and returned, putting my legs in James' lap. James had tucked the blanket around my feet, making sure they were swamped.

"I loved the ending. It's very open." He replied, laughing at my distraut expression. I loathed the ending; it made my head ache. I folded myself forward, groaning at James' gleeful expression.

"Come on, it wasn't even that bad."

"That bad? What - in your books - is considered bad?" I asked, astounded.

He shrugged, "Not that for sure." He paused, picking at the few remaining kernels. "If you dislike it so much, why did you watch it?"

"In case it runs for a few more minutes and the answer is revealed." I mumbled lamely.

"Oh, Jen." James chuckled, hugging me tightly. "That'll never happen."

"I know, but wishful thinking?"

"I dislike wishful thinking. I almost always end up disappointed." I heard the bus door open, and I sat up properly, vision slightly fuzzy due to the fact that my eyes had been closed and the light had been switched on.

"Who's that?"

"Sorry fer interrupting." Oli chuckled, staggering onto the bus. "Aye, you better leave. Someone else has claimed this bus."

I flushed, and James stood abruptly, letting the blanket fall. "Not claimed." He spat.

"But do make your associate leave, and have a glass of water." I chimed in. "Goodbye, James." I tacked on, pushing him towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Oliver was standing at the sink, filling up a glass. "Oh, I'm going to have a terrible hangover tomorrow." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, ejecting the disc and replacing it in the case. "Not my fault."

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