just fuck me up fam

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"Alright, Namjoon. You think you're ready?" Paul said, grinning. Namjoon fidgeted with his cap, wincing.

"I, uh... I don't know."

"You'll do fine. Just pick a trainer and steal their Pokemon!" another Grunt chirped, patting Namjoon on the back. He smiled nervously and looked around for his first victim. He spotted a Trainer walking through the forest, celebrating her first gym victory. She held a Pokéball to her face, nuzzling it. She seemed really attached to her Pokemon. It broke Namjoon's heart to have to do this, but......

In a flash, he grabbed the trainer by her collar, pinned her to a tree, and held a pocket knife to her throat.

"Listen up, girly. Give me that Pokémon. NOW."

Terrified howls left the trainer, and she clutched the Pokéball in her hands.

"Please don't! Don't take Loudred! He's all I have! Please, I'll do anything! Just don't t-"


Instinctively, Namjoon pressed the knife closer to her throat. It began to dig into her skin, making her scream more.

He'd never felt a rush like this. His conscience told him to walk away and apologize... But his reputation, and Bangtan's lives, were on the line.

"Look, just give me the Pokéball, and I won't hurt you. I don't WANT to hurt you."

She still refused to give him the Pokéball... Time for Plan B. He took the knife away from her throat, then punched her in the head as hard as he could. When she collapsed, he gently took the Pokéball from her.

"I-I'm... I'm so sorry. I warned you... I'm so s-"

"Great job, Namjoon! Take the rest of her stuff, boys!"

Without hesitation, the rest of the Grunts took her bag, her money, and her phone. Namjoon's heart dropped into his stomach.

"C'mon, boys! Namjoon, don't give her back the Pokémon! I know your conscience is kicking in, but you'll get over that sooner than you think. Give it to me so you're not tempted."

He sighed in defeat, then handed Paul the captured Pokémon.

But when they walked away, he secretly left some money and a Pokémon egg by the unconscious trainer's side... Along with a piece of paper that said "I'm so sorry. My family's lives are in danger. I have to do this. Please take this money and Pokémon egg I found.

-Rocket Monster"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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