Falsehoods about Wicca

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.How many times have we heard the nasty rumors, or had questions asked of us like "Do you worship Satan?" or "Do you sacrifice babies?"... sometimes those questions even come from people who are just starting to learn our religion, yet claim to be Wiccan!

Bear in mind that these answers are mine alone, and are based on the teachings handed down to me in the traditions I have studied. While most traditional Wiccans have the same views as below, some minor differences may occur. Also note that this seeks to address the myths about Wiccans, and not about pagans in general

Blessed Be, Moonwolf

1. General

1.1) Do Wiccans raise the dead? Wiccans do not raise the dead. Wiccans celebrate those who we loved and those who contributed to our lives while they were in this plane of existence, and often seek communication with the spirit/energy of the person as they were known to us. But, Wiccans do not raise the dead.

1.2) Do Wiccans sacrifice babies or animals? There is no part in any Wiccan ritual which calls for the sacrifice or the harming of any person or animal, living or dead. While many of the gods of old (including Yahweh!) demanded blood sacrifice, the gods seemed to have matured along with man, and no longer require the blood sacrifice/harming of another being, living or dead. Despite popular belief among some Christian fundamentalists, Wiccans do not practice ritual abortion, nor use the remains of a fetus for ritual.

1.3) Is Wicca a cult? Wicca is a religion, not a cult. There is no "King/Queen of the Wicca" despite claims to the title in the past. Wicca is a religion with no papacy or ruler. It is made up of many small groups known as "covens" or "groves". Most of these are run in a traditional manner, as a matriarchal group... headed up by a high priestess with the help of a high priest. Traditionally, a coven can not be run without a high priestess, though there are occasional exceptions to the case where a high priest runs a coven. Becoming more popular is the "egalitarian coven", where all members run the coven. For more information, please see the Introduction to Isaac Bonewitz's Advanced Cult Danger Evaluation Frame.

1.4) Do Wiccans fly on brooms at night? Wiccans don't fly on brooms at any time of the day or night. "Broom Flying", in reality, was a custom of the witch riding the broomstick through the fields like a child would ride a stick hobbyhorse (sweeping side up!). This act was a blessing on the crops, insuring their fertility.

1.5) Do Wiccans have green skin, wear pointy hats, and have warts? Wiccans do not have green skin, unless they color it that way for a costume. Ditto for the pointy hats! And yes, I suppose sometimes witches do get warts, but no more then anyone else regardless of their religion!

1.6) Do Wiccans go out to try and convert people to their religion? No, Wiccans do not try and convert anyone. Proselytizing by a Wiccan in any form is considered wrong by most traditional Wiccans. In fact, in traditional Wicca, there is a common law that teachers are to never approach a student... students must always ask the teacher to learn about Wicca.

1.7) Do you have to renounce any religion, or desecrate any other religion's symbols to become a Wiccan? No. Wiccan initiations do not include renouncing of any religion, nor the desecration of any religious symbol.

1.8) Can a Wiccan quote the Bible, or even touch a Bible or a crucifix? Yep. Wiccans are just like every other person. We can quote,read, and touch the Bible and if we do we do not melt,burn, or turn to smoke

1.9) Can Wiccans cry/fall in love? Wiccans can fall in love and they can also cry. And they usually do both, just like anyone else, since they have the same feelings as everyone else!

1.10) Do Wiccans have a "witch mark" on their bodies? Again, the answer is no. There is no distinguishing mark on the body of a Wiccan which states who they are. The only exception to this would be tattoos/body art which the Wiccan has voluntarily placed on his or her body.

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