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I stepped along the stony path, the mini pebbles falling behind me as the grey souls of my converse grind against their bodies, pushing them back. It was dark out, well it was midnight after all, me and Phil are night owls so we didn't care.

Finally I reached my destination and I looked down at him, his eyes stared into mine, light blue and bright. His fringe had gaps within it but it was okay, didn't bother me, I loved his perfect imperfections. His pale skin made my face brighten up because it was so bright. The dark ribena purple shirt he was wearing made me smile as it was my favourite one of his, since it had the monster's face on his chest. Made me think about how Phil may act like an angel, but really he's just a hot monster with a sexy dark side. I so badly wanted to kiss him, my lips craved his, and his looked so sweet. But I can't, not yet, I will soon though.

I slid my phone into the back of my black jeans, also taking off Phil's hoodie to avoid getting any dirt on it. I continued looking down at the already dug up black coffin, smiling to myself, excitement began to flood my body as I stared down at the body. My beautiful boyfriend. My friends all say he's not, especially since he's been dead for the past 7 years and that he doesn't even know me. But he does.

We spoke, we got to know each other, and yeah he was in an accident on the day we both first met in Manchester because of his stupid taxi driver. But he was put in a coma. He's still in a coma. They all just thought he was dead and decided to bury him, however I dug him up, his parents live in god knows where now so I doubt they'll ever come down and find his coffin not covered in dirt. My baby needed to breathe anyway, he needs air, they shouldn't of put him underground when he's still alive the bloody idiots.

Gently, I brushed his hair out of his eyes. They all probably think he's rotting, but he's not, I've made sure of it. His coffin is always nice and cool, so when he wakes he's not a zombie. My fingers ran along his pale face, all along to his lips, "You're so beautiful babe," I whispered before I dragged my own lips to his.

For a second I felt him kiss back, and I smiled. I lay down next to him, it was a tight squeeze but I managed to tangle us both together, resting my head on his shoulder I told him all about my week. Complained about how he keeps leaving the cupboards open from when I bring him home on Monday's to freshen him up and change his clothes.

Time went by quickly and I couldn't wait any longer, so I pulled out the small red box in my pocket, "Babe... Will you marry me?"

It was silent, the wind blew and the moon shone, I lay there wanting him to say yes...But he never did. I need to be with him... If he truly is dead, like everyone says, then I must join him. I need him. My Phil, my Lion. I looked on the other side of Phil and found the knife that I've been keeping there for the past few years. I'm going to be with him.

"See you soon babe okay?" I smiled and kissed my lover's cheek, then slowly as I stared at his beautiful face, admiring his features, I stabbed the knife through my chest and into my heart. Causing darkness.


Brightness. Pure brightness.

"Dan...Daniel," A deep and cinnamon voice beckoned me, I slowly opened my eyes to see a pair of bright loving blue ones.

"H-hey Phil,"

The End.

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