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      Spyro's P.O.V.
"So... What now you guys?" I asked as we were all sitting down doing nothing. I was in my dads lap and yawned slightly causing him to chuckle. Everyone is still a bit shocked that my dad, the shy man, has a daughter. I look up at him and put my gas mask on the ground before I smile and slowly pass out.
     HOODIE'S P.O.V.
Spyro fell asleep in my lap so I stood up and lifted her up. I began walking down to her room when I felt and hand on my shoulder. "Hoodie, you are a really great father to her you know..." said Masky and I nodded my head in response. I walked into her room and laid her down on her bed, Masky leaning against the door frame. "So... When is her first hunt gonna be?" I asked Masky, no stutter in sight causing him to look at me in shock. "Slender says that tomorrow morning, you, Toby and I are bringing her with us." And with that said, Masky left the room. I sighed and walked to my room, laying down and quickly falling asleep as well.
       TIME SKIP
It is morning so I ran into Spyro's room and woke her up. "Morning daddy... What is it?" asked Spyro so I laughed and told her. She jumped up and pushed me out of her room. Once she got dressed in all but her mask, she told me she wanted breakfast before anything so we all went and ate breakfast. All of a sudden, Spyro fell to her knees and held her hands over her ears. We looked up and saw that Slenderman's brothers were here and Offender was mad. I grabbed Spyro and we all ran out of the house as Spyro took deep breaths. I hugged her tightly and she just stood there, trying to rid of the giant headache she now had. Masky and Toby ran over to us and looked at Spyro's face. She just stood there, eyes wide and a look of surprise on her face. Her gaze slowly went to the ground as a she frowned. "What's wrong sweety?" I asked her and then I gasped when I realized what it was. She fell to her knees and clenches her fist tightly. "Dad... I feel as though something bad is coming our way... Big... Bad... Strong... Demonic..." After she says this, the three of us ran to Slenderman's office, pulling Spyro behind us. All of a sudden, my grip on Spyro loosened and I collapsed, soon passing out.

Spyro P.O.V.
Dad passed out so I yelled out to the other two guys whom were with us. They ran over and looked at dads figure, the only sound being are breathing. I growl and quickly throw my dagger behind me, earning a demonic sounding pained grunt. Masky and Toby both turned and stiffened up at whatever I hit. I turned around and glared at the demon, never looking away from him with my harsh glare as he slowly but surely began to nervously sweat. "That child is... Sorta terrifying..." Said the demon but I still just glared at him as the other two, and my now awake dad, are shocked about what is happening. "First, you knock out my dad... Second, you attempt to sneak attack Masky, Toby, and I, and third... Put down the syringe nurse lady." I say. The demon and the nurse both leave, pure fear evident on their faces as I still had a look of anger and hatred on my face. Turning around, I ran inside and went to go grab my mask. Once I had it all strapped on, I jumped through my open window and onto a tree branch. I sat up there for a while and finally, after everyone searching for me for about three hours, I jumped down, landing a handstand on Slenderman's head. He jumped in shock and everyone looked over at him wondering what was wrong. Once they saw me, I gave a nervous chuckle but yelped when a white tendril lifted me up. I followed it with my eyes only to see Offenderman and I growled at him. He just chuckled and took out a rose, offering it to me. I smirked behind my gas mask and took the rose only to rip it up and drop it on the ground. Everyone gasped as Offender dropped me and just walked away without a sound. "Since when was Offender so obedient, Zalgo so frightened, and Nurse Ann so weak looking?," questioned Jeff. I smirked, not that they could tell due to the mask, and walked inside the mansion innocently. "Looks can be VEEERY deceiving my friends." Is all I say and shut the mansion doors.

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