Chapter One

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Lucille's POV

Today started out like any other day. I woke up, entertained the idea of rolling over and going back to sleep. Decided against it. Got out of bed, walked over to the wardrobe at the other side of the room, picked a worn out maroon shirt and jeans. I slid on my boots and headed out to the mess hall.

When I finally reached the front doors of the mess hall, I collected myself, pulled the door open and walked into the room. I was greeted by the usual morning chatter and commotion, forks clanking against plates and people groggily walking in and trying to start their day. I had almost made it to the front of the room when I noticed Sam was right beside me. Sam's my right-hand woman, so to speak. She's younger than me, a little shorter than I am, with shoulder length red hair. Jake and Rob following right behind her.

"The boys are ready to go on that run we've been talking about. Just as soon as you say when!" She said eagerly.

"Do you have the list?" I asked. It was still too early for my brain to properly function.

"Yep! I have it right here!" She answered eagerly, pulling out a small notepad from her back pocket.

"Have you checked with Charlotte? Does she need anything for the kitchen? What about Jonathan? You know he's been trying to get that old pickup running." I pressed.

"Done and done!!" she chirped. Who in the world is this excited this early in the morning?

I glanced over at the boys, who both might twenty something. At the most.

"Okay boys, go by the armory after you get done here and I will meet you both at the gate in an hour."

"Yes ma'am!" They said in unison.

And with that they all turned and went their separate ways. As did I.


I started towards the front of the compound, walking along the dirt path. The wind picked up a little, the sun was barely peeking out of the clouds. It's actually nice out today. Autumn has always been my favorite time of year.

As I'm approaching the gate I see Jake, Rob, and Stan standing and talking. Jake and Rob are two of our six runners. They're brothers, though you couldn't guess it by just looking at them. Jake is shorter with dirty blonde hair that is buzzed and brown eyes, while Rob is taller with short curly black hair and blue eyes. Stan is one of our gate keepers. Stan's older, probably about 6'2" with grey hair and stubble and brown eyes. He was a sergeant in the Navy before the world went to shit. He and his twin brother have been with us for as long as I can remember. They're good people.

I finally came to a stop in front of the gate, and the guys all turn their attention to me.

"So boss, what are the orders today?" Stan asked

"No orders today, Stan. I'm just here to see off Jake and Rob."

"Are you two ready to go?" I asked, looking at the pair.

"Yes ma'am!" They said in unison. Again. What is with these two? I guess anyone would be super in-sync with their sibling, if they spent enough time together.

"Do you have enough water? Ammo?"

"Yes, mom." Rob says jokingly. I laugh.

Rob was shifting his weight from one foot to the other, and Jake wouldn't quit messing with the zipper on his jacket. They couldn't even stand still for more than two minutes..

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