The Day of Creation--Part 4: Hunted

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Thranduil put a finger to his lips as he stared into Legolas's bright blue eyes, which were conspiratorially close to his own. "We must be quiet, ion [son]," He whispered very seriously. "They mustn't find us. If they find us, bad things will happen. Do you understand?"

Legolas burbled happily and grabbed a strand of Thranduil's hair with his chubby baby hands. Thranduil had neglected to put on his crown today and it hung loose in sheet of platinum gold.

Thranduil half smiled and hugged Legolas against his chest, smoothing his shoulder-length hair in a comforting gesture. But not a moment later that hand froze in terror when the faint sound of footsteps echoed down the hall. They got louder, and Thranduil held his breath. They paused right outside their hiding place, and Thranduil prepared to run. But then the footsteps continued, and the king relaxed.

When he could no longer hear anything, Thranduil opened the door and peeked out. The hall was empty. Putting a protective hand over Legolas's head, Thranduil started walking down the hall in the opposite direction the footsteps had gone. He trod lightly, his elven grace helping him to be silent, even on the marble floors. He silently willed Legolas to be quiet as well so they could escape.

He rounded the corner and continued down another hall. There were no alcoves or closets to duck into now, and Thranduil felt exposed. He hurried his pace, but as he rounded the corner the leather of his boots squeaked against the flooring. It was a small sound, but to Thranduil it spelled disaster. Throwing caution to the wind he started running, corridors going by in a flash, sliding past doorways and around corners. 

He heard footsteps again, right behind him, and some shouting. They had heard him and were coming. Thranduil tried not to panic as he continued through the maze, each hallway looking the same as the next. He took a hasty right turn and nearly fell. He was breathing hard as the anxiety clawed at his chest. If he continued like this they would just follow him until they had him cornered! He had to hide again.

Using one last burst of speed Thranduil sprinted down a new hallway and opened the first pair of doors he saw. He ran inside; but then he paused, took a breath, and carefully shut the door without a sound. He crouched down by it, listening carefully. When he didn't hear anything after a few seconds, he relaxed just a bit and sat down on the ground. He was breathing hard, not really from the running but from the fear that was starting to become anger. How dare they chase him like a hunted deer!

But a small sound reminded Thranduil that he had a charge to check on. Taking his hand off the back of Legolas's head, Thranduil held him up a bit so he could make sure he was alright. Legolas waved around the few strands of Thranduil's hair he still held. He had been munching away on them for most of the ride. He seemed fine, and definitely not as panicked as his father still was. He giggled a bit and Thranduil felt his panic evaporate in the wave of love he suddenly felt.

Thranduil let out a long sigh and sat Legolas down in between his criss-crossed legs. "You're doing very well with keeping quiet," Thranduil told him quietly. Legolas looked up at the sound of his father's voice and smiled a toothless smile. Thranduil smiled back and offered a finger, which Legolas clumsily grabbed and squeezed tight.

"Maybe we're finally safe. Maybe they will give up looking for me." Thranduil mused aloud.

"Ahem," said a voice behind him.

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