#1-Straight to the face....

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Jane's P.O.V

Hmm have you ever felt that moment when your so excited to be in a first date with you boyfriend? hahah well thats how I feel Right Now.. but Im so damn worried I dont know what to wear and my BESTFRIEND Eyna Potter isn't with me ahhh she told me she has somethin important to do what a total bull ahhh whatever, I really do wish that today would be the best day but somewhere deep inside my brain there's a small voice saying it's not going to be the day I'm expecting it to be.

But hey I just want to have fun with my one and only true love. We are going to meet at a fancy italian restaurant down the block near my penthouse that my dad bought me so that i would be near my University. Well what can I say I'm the Secret daughter of a man that owns the top company in the whole world, you might think that I love my life simply because I could get everything that I want but guess what i hate this life huh but yah lets go back to my oh so amazing date that if I don't leave now I'm ganna be so damn late. On the way to the restaurant I saw a familiar car parked in front of it, it was my best friends car hmmm maybe just a coincidence. I went in and told the waiter that I'm with Jake Lewis, as the waiter take me to our table I saw something a very tear dropping sight, i saw my BEST FRIEND sucking MY BOY FRIENDS face! she knows that we are going on a date and she does this that bitch! I pulled them a part and told her

"You unthankful piece of shit after all I've done for you all you do is steal my boyfriend on the day of our date you bitch" I hold her hair and slam her face to the table then she told me

"What can I do I can give something you couldn't and do you even think that he really likes you! huh your just a bitch he played for money, your just a slut he played for your body!" i heard enough i slap her straight in the face! " you betrayed me" i told her then point at my now ex boy friend then told him coldly

"Don't expect for yourself to be as famous as you are before cause i'll make sure the your goin' down hard!"

Oh did I mention that his dad works for my dad, oh no then now you know! While i was walking out the restaurant everyone was looking at me in awe I do wonder why i wasn't crying huh wanna know why because this good girl just turned bad!

On the way to my apartment I told my dad everything, on how my "bestfriend"madeout with my "boyfriend", it's safe to say that he was furious he even asked me I want him to fired my ex-boyfriends dad but i told him not to i'll just handle this little problem, I just told him to set a party for me where in he finally tells the world that im his beloved daughter, his only princess. The only reason why i don't want people to know that his my dad is because I hate attention but now I wanna change and guess it starts from there. All he told me is that I need to buy a new dress for this upcomming party and make sure i look hot, I know what a totally cool dad, that's why i LOVE him sooo much! Oh, did i forgoet to mention that my dad own a very well known company by very well known i mean the most influencial, strongest and most succesful company in the whole states! hmm all good aint it!

I Called my friend Lucy Jennings to come and shop with me hmm but i really wonder why I don't notice that she always has been there for me rather than Emma hmm don't know don't care but i have this sttrange feeling that she's a way better friend than Eyna could ever be


~~~~~~~end of chapter 1~~~~~~~~~

Umm yeah sorry for the grammar corrections hahahah

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