Chapter 1: This is the Last time I do that

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Above is Dylan O'brien as Brandon James.

Brandon's POV

Today was supposed to be my day. I was supposed to get up, eat breakfast and celebrate my eighteenth birthday. This should have never happened. I should have never found her. I should have never ran after the truth. What most people don't know is that the truth hurts, bad or good, it hurts you. It hurt me. All I can't think of at that moment was what else could have happened if I hadn't followed her that day.

On your birthday, everything is supposed to be done for you. Breakfast, making your bed, or at least you would expect a cake. However, living in a forgettable family like mine, you usually have to do some errands for yourself. In my case, it was getting the cake for MY birthday. Annoyed, I made my way to the bakery down the road and ordered the cake. After hours of agony and impatience, the cake was done and I started to make my way back home after paying.

As I walked outside the bakery, a girl bumped into me making me drop the cake on the floor. 'What the...' I started only to be interrupted by the layers of golden strands of hair, the shimmering shiny blue eyes reflecting the rays of burning sun and a face so familiar and beautiful that I can't remember where it was from.

'I'm sorry.' The girl apologised grabbing the cake from the floor. I was about to reply when she handed me the cake, suddenly, as the girl touched my arm her eyes transformed into a beautiful electric blue, her body was lifted just inches above the ground and her hair rose above her reaching for help. After a few seconds, she came back to the ground.

'What was that?' I asked with fear and curiosity fighting for control of my actions.

'You! It's you!' the girl gasped.


'I've got to go.' the girl exclaimed, and with that she turned into the next alleyway and ran off. I could have let her go, I could have forgotten about everything that happened. But somehow, what I just saw didn't seem abnormal to me. It felt like something that I had been missing my whole life was finally about to be returned to me. With this feeling in mind, I raced after the girl.

'Wait! What was that? Your eyes? You were levitating? Who are you?' I asked gasping for breath.

'I'm Alex. We can't talk here. You have to come with me.' the girl ordered.


'To a safe place,' she answered.

With curiosity overcoming my fear, I followed her. She took me to an old abandoned part of town that I had never been to before. I remember always walking by this neighbourhood thinking how can someone live there, why would they live there? She took me a little bit further to a house surrounded by trees, hidden in plain sight. It was surrounded by dark brown coloured, rotten wood warning everyone from entering and stainless glass revealing all the secrets within the house.
'Okay, so?' I asked eager to find answers to all my questions.

'This might be hard to believe and hear Brandon, but...' she started.

'Wait, how do you know my name?'

'It's because I'm psychic. You see Brandon the world you live in is not the only world out there. The human world is just a cover to protect people like me. People who come from the supernatural world. You see, all of the supernatural stories you've heard about, read about or even watched in movies, they were all real. Vampires, werewolves, witches, psychics and every single supernatural creature you can think of is real.' Alex paused for effect.

With a look of shock I asked, 'What does this have anything to do with me?'

'I don't know, but when I touched you, I had this vision. You were face to face to a dark soul.' Alex tried to explain.

'Dark soul?' I asked.

'They're the third world in our lives other than the human and the supernatural. They want to reveal themselves to the humans, consume them and kill their world. They call themselves the dark souls. They believe that the world is supposed to be theirs not the humans.' Alex established.

'If I was in your vision and if I can see a dark soul that means I am a supernatural. But, what am I?' I asked inquisitively. But before she can answer, we were interrupted by the ringing of my phone.

'Hey mom, sorry I'm late, I'll be right...' I started apologising.

'Brandon, Help! There's people in the house. I don't know what they want. Please help me.' My mom begged.

'MOM? MOM?' I yelled into my phone. Leaving me with a rush of fear, the line went silent. I left Alex and ran as fast as I could back home. I forgot everything that Alex told me and only focused on my mom, and saving her. After a few minutes, I was running up the couple of stairs on my porch and slamming the door open. Just as I walked in, five shadowy figures were standing around in my living room, surrounding my mom.

'Mom? Are you okay?' I asked with tears starting to form in my eyes.

With fear consuming every part of her my mom asked, ''Honey, what's going on? They say that they needed you to do something. What did you do?'

' We know who you are boy, We want to take you away to train you. We want you to be one of us.' One of the shadowy figures exclaimed.

'You're the dark souls, aren't you? I've heard about you. You're the ones that want to reveal yourself to the human world, to kill every human out there! For what? To satisfy yourself? For power?' I challenged them my body trembling with fear. As soon as I said that, Alex walked into the house only to be trapped in a circle of darkness cast from one of the dark souls.

'I'll take that as a no, then, Then he same dark soul exclaimed. I didn't know what he meant by that, but soon enough I knew I had made a mistake. As fast as lighting, the dark soul took my mom by the neck and ripped her heart out. Blood started oozing out of her mouth and gushing out from her chest.

'NOOOOOOOO!' I screamed as I saw my mother's soul getting consumed by one of them.

'This is a lesson for you boy. Don't ever underestimate us.'

I couldn't stop myself. I felt fear. I felt sadness. I felt anger. They took away the only thing that I truly cared about. I couldn't hold back, I needed them to pay, but how? At that moment, my hands started to twitch, the floors started to shake and everyone started to fight for balance.

'What's happening?' the dark soul asked.

'It's him. It's Brandon, he's a guardian.' Alex pointed out with astonishment. All of my emotions of fear, sadness and anger were focused at the dark souls. My hands started to glow with white light and started attacking the dark souls one by one. The ball of light rushed through the room killing them only missing the one that killed my mom since he ran away. As I calmed down, the floor stopped shaking and my hands stopped glowing. I opened my eyes to see that all the dark souls were gone, Alex waiting for my next move and my mom laying down on the cold wooden floor lifeless.

I made my way to her, hugged her tight and started crying. 'Brandon, you asked me what you were, but I didn't have an answer. Now I do. You're a guardian, Brandon. You are half an angel and half a human. You have the power to protect people. Your destiny is to protect the human world from the supernatural world, and the supernatural world from the dark souls. You are the very last guardian alive, and you are the only one that can save our world now.' Alex kept talking, but I couldn't listen to her. All that I can think of is my mom. How she died, she died because of me. I wasn't here to protect her, I didn't take the dark souls offer, that's why she died. I can't live without her. If only I controlled my emotions and didn't allow my curiosity to overcome my fear, if only I hadn't followed Alex, that was the last time I'd do that, following a stranger. I had to avenge my mother's death, I had to make every last dark soul out there suffer for what they did. They all have to pay for what they did to me and to my mom. They will not get away with this. I won't allow them. That's why I, Brandon James, will kill every single dark soul out there, no matter the cost is. I am so sorry mother...

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