His Harley

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A/N: Yay and update! So this has bad words and violence of course but after this chapter everything is just about to go crazy! I'm warning you all right now so I don't get yelled at later lol. And also pray for your favs because some may be dying...


Jesy wasn't too pleased with what she knew was about to happen. She watched as the others were leaving to the other room so Liam could discuss something with them, but her eyes went back to Harry and Leigh Anne who stood in front of the man that Louis and Niall brought home. In the past she had no problem with being around while Harry did his job - Zayn and Louis occasionally helping - but the new picture in front of her was not settling in her stomach. It just didn't feel right.

Now Jesy isn't saying she's the best person to say something - she knew all the shit she did when she first got with Niall and how it got worst as their relationship progressed, but she needed to talk to Harry. His face was hard as he stared at Leigh Anne and said something to her causing her to shake her head, her brown eyes going to the tied up man timidly. She looked nervous but Jesy could tell she was trying to act brave for the sake of Harry being there. Because if he saw that she was scared about doing this then he'd stop her and do it himself...but Leigh Anne didn't want that.

"Harry!" Jesy called as she turned when the rest of them, excluding Niall, followed Liam. "Can I talk to ya a bit?" She watched as Harry turned to look at her with a slight frown. His eyes went back to Leigh Anne who continued to stare at the other man then back to Jesy. "It'll just take a minute." she told him but they both knew it really wouldn't. Harry was hardheaded when it came to certain things so it might take more than a talking to change his mind.

"Babe..." Niall reached out to grab Jesy's wrist but she remained looking at Harry who nodded and made his way towards them. "What's up?" he asked. He noticed Jesy didn't seem to be too happy right now and he thinks he knows why. Jesy being one of the oldest always meant her mama bear side would come out. If she didn't like something, or felt something was wrong then she'd talk to the others about it. Liam may have been "daddy" but Jesy was definitely "mum" and didn't let shit slide unlike him.

She looked over at him and gave him a small smile. "It's ok. I just have something to say." she assured him but Niall didn't like where this was going. "Harry, you're a fuckin' idiot." Harry stopped in his tracks as Jesy turned to him and glared angrily. She heard Niall mutter a "here we go" but ignored it as she watched as the younger boy gave her a look of confusion, something he always did. "Oh don't play stupid I know what's about to happen! I can't let you do this!"

Harry scratched the back of his neck as he looked to Niall, giving him a "help me out here" look. The other boy shook his head and backed up, he knew better than to try to go against Jesy. There were many things Niall wasn't afraid of but his girlfriend was not one of them. "Jes..." Harry started but Jesy gave him a pointed look. "This wasn't my idea ok? Leigh Anne made this choice for herself. Would ya rather I help her or let her do this on her own?" he asked.

Jesy groaned, throwing her arms up in the air. "Of course not! But you can talk her outta this! You're suppose to help the one you love not become a psycho! I mean do you want her to end up like Niall and me? Or Perrie and Louis?!"

Niall made a face, "Hey...what's wrong with us?" he asked curiously.

"What I'm saying is...there's no going back after this, Harry. You know that more than anyone." Jesy finished. She watched as Harry looked back to Leigh Anne who was busy staring down at the pliers in her hands. They knew she heard their arguing but decided to ignore it because there was nothing they said that could change her mind. But Jesy was hoping that maybe if she heard it from her that she'd stop now.

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