The waiting room

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"I'm driving there right now. I'm picking you up. And we're going home."  Georgie's stern tone rang in my ears. "Also I want to see if you're telling the truth."
I gave into her. She always won- in a good way.
"Okay but Lara's mum needs to get here as well. I've got to call her right now. Bye."
"I'll see you soon chicken." Georgie was overcome with excitement and anxiety; all at the same time.
Now it was time to call Lara's mum.
Ring. Ring.
After the second round of ringing the phone was answered.
"Hello? Millie?"
"Yes C. It's me."
Calum's head whipped up, glaring at me. I frowned hard at him with confusion. Shaking it off, he quickly went back to flicking through instagram.
"What's happened is Lara alright?" C was what I preferred to call Lara's mum, shortened for Carole-Ann.
"No. Shes not alright. In fact we're in hospital right now."
"Okay I'm coming."

"Are you not going to sleep?" I asked Calum, awestruck.
"Nah I'm not tired."
"How...?" I tilted my head to the side. This kid could perform at a concert, rescue a girl from bleeding to death, and then go on without sleep.
"I have a really fucked up body clock. Practicing bass, well it's always best at night time. Sometimes that one riff that you've been trying to formulate all throughout the day, it just decides to come to you as you're drifting off to sleep. And of course, that means that you have to write that down. And then you start to play it - putting it into practice. Imagining the beat. Are there going to be words in the song? Or could it be used for an instrumental piece?"
I imagined him, sitting in the front room in the dead of night, peacefully creating music that now gives joy to so many fans around the world. The music industry doesn't really have time shifts, and the dedication that is taken - just to create a mash of notes.
"Check your phone." He smiled.
I flicked past snapchat, not even wanting to see the messages. Not having the willpower to even open them. Twitter. Nothing there? Instagram. I reloaded the main screen, showing the most recent posts from everyone I followed. A selfie. A shitty picture of a hill. The fucking sunset like I hadn't seen it before. And then something that made me laugh. A set up photo of all the boys pretending to read the map of the underground tunnels: Ashton with his chocolate milk, and little geeky glasses, Luke violently pressing his finger into the map, Michael just sticking his middle finger up at the camera, and Calum smiling his cutest smile. The caption underneath read:
I love helping people. Especially when they faint in the London Underground's.
"Fucking hilarious." I scoffed, but I couldn't hold back the laughter.
Slowly social media got boring, and nobody posts at 3am, so I decided to drift off into an uncomfortable sleep in the hospital chair. I was out in 5 minutes, sleeping like a fucking baby. Replaying the crazy events of the day...

The Beginning Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang