I always knew ( a mike and hanna pll story)

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Chapter 1.
The Mike we know.

"Mike! stop! It tickles." Hanna Marin screamed at Mike Montgomery while he was kissing her neck. Sucking on her neck actually. but he didn't stop. he went farther down. Hanna laughed. Then moaned. until she rolled over on top of mike, pulled her shirt of, and kissed mike's bare chest.

"Maybe we shouldn't be doing this," Mike said. "My parents are right down the hall." He worried they where going to get caught. Even if mike didn't wanna stop, it could ruin their relationship. Lucky for him, Hanna didn't stop. She just put her finger to his lips and said,

"We'll be quiet." And it was enough for mike. He turned over so he was on top of Hanna. Kissing her hard and passionate.

No one knew about Hanna and mikes relation ship. It was a secret, and they wouldn't go exclusive until they where sure everyone would react fine. Mikes thoughts where interrupted by Hanna climbing of the bed, searching through her purse and pulling out a condom. She jumped back on Mike, and slipped off her pants. Mike scurried from under her on his ground.

"Maybe we shouldn't be doing this." Mike stated. A big lump grew in his throat as he said that. He realized Hanna might take that the wrong way. She told him the story of Sean. He expected to see Hanna's face turn red in rage, collect her clothes, and walk out. But instead of that, she just looked confused. Or sad.

"I thought we felt the same way about each other. I thought you loved me. I love you..." Mike told her what he really meant. He couldn't let the one person he loved be disappointed or sad. He walked closer and touched her shoulder.

"Han, that's not what I meant." Hanna looked up. "I want it to be special. somewhere special." Hanna was now looking straight into mikes beautiful eyes. " I love you Hanna." She smiled.

"I love you too Mike." They stared at each other before gently kissing. Hanna ran her fingers through his hair. Mike could hear the sound of they cars rolling away on the streets, and the people yelling at each other in his neighbours house. But he could also hear the most important thing of all. The beating heart of his one true love. Hanna Marin.

First pt. whadaya think? It'll get better I promise. see ya! Bye!


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