Snowman Fluff

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As Kaleva was carefully molding the fourth cat ear onto the snowman, Stian had given up asking why. Kaleva seemed determined to make his snowman as un-conventional-snowman-like as possible. Already it had seventeen eyes, (made out of miscellaneous buttons, rocks, and in one case the shell of a tiny snail) two antlers (made from tree branches) a nose that was just a puff of green pine needles on a twig, a mouth made of (shiny!) little balls of aluminum foil, and wings made from the branches of the same pine as the nose. In fact, one of the wings was missing a nose length bit off of it's end. And, of course, four cat ears, each carefully molded from snow. And to top it all off, the thing was nearly six feet tall. 

Stian wondered, not for the first time, who had taught Kaleva how to make a snowman. He didn't mind it though, not at all. His husband loved his snowman, and he loved his husband. Watching Kale prance around in the cold, carefully standing on his tiptoes to apply the features, all bundled up in his hat and scarf and coat, was one of the best things he'd ever done. Kaleva refused to wear gloves, and his poor little hands would probably be freezing. That was fine though, Stian would just have to hold them to warm them up later. For now, he needed to hold his husband. 

The snowman was nearly six feet tall, and Kaleva was eight inches short of that. Though he'd let Stian apply the antlers and some of the eyes, he insisted upon doing the ears himself. So Stian held him up to do so, and for a little while Kaleva would curl up happily in his arms before moving onto the next part. This time however, when the ear was done Stian pranced away from the snowman, causing Kale to produce a yelp of surprise. Stian twirled happily in the snow, and soon they were both giggling. Stian's graceful prance ended much too soon as Stian's long legs got tangled under him and down he went. They landed softly in the snow, still laughing. Kale snuggled happily next to Stian, and Stian wrapped his arms around him as they gazed at their snowman.

"He's beautiful." Kaleva murmured happily.

"That he is." Stian agreed, "Though not as beautiful as you."

"We aren't having this argument!" Kale yelped, shaking his head and snuggling closer.

"Fine. I love you."

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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