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     Blood poured from a wound on his shoulder and stomach, but that didnt matter. All that mattered was the angel, barely moving 10 yards away from him. The battle itself wasn't the problem, it was the aftermath. The demons had used hellhounds, and every god-forsaken demon and monster they had ever faced. Blood, dark, and warm seeped from a wound in his angels side and a groan escaped the hunters lips but he surpressed, he could deal with his pain later. He reached out and pulled Cas's rag doll like body toward him till his back was flush against his chest.

     "Dean" Cas wheezed, lifting a bloodied hand towards his cheek, Dean held it there craving his angels touch. when a tingling feeling came from the hand.

      "Damnit Cas, stop trying to heal me and focus on healing yourself" dean cried exasperated. Cas turned his head to look at the hunter.

     "Dean im going to die, i can't heal"

     "Then take me and my soul!"

     "no...i could never covet something that is not mine"

     "but it is", the hunter cried sadly.

     "never-the-less, i will not take something so pure".Dean turned his face so that the dying angel had to look at him, in cas's eyes was an emotion called love, and his love for dean was the only thing that gave him enough energy to do one last action. The angel leaned in and kissed his hunter letting tears fall freely down his face. Their last kiss was everything it should have been long and short, sweet, passionate and soft and firm , warm and cold, then as all things do. It ended. And dean opened his eyes hoping to say goodbye, only to find Cas's closed and a small smile on his lips, as he breathed out one word. One little word that had three little syllabelles. Yet had the power to stop time...or so it seemed. "forever", and the angel faded into oblivion.

love between an angel and a hunterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz