Chapter One

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"There we were," Moana said, her legs spread wide and her arms out dramatically. "Standing at the feet of the lava monster that had broken the great and powerful Maui's magic hook. When suddenly!" The little ones jumped a little.

"I noticed that...on the monsters chest was a hole." Her voice grew soft. "And the monster looked at me and I knew; that the heart belonged to Tafiti. The heart belonged to the lava monster." She smiled. "And when I put the heart back into her chest, the whole sky lit up with bright sunlight, and clouds cleared, and the ocean was rolling with joy again as Tafiti's hard shell crumbled...until I was looking into the very eyes of Tafiti herself."

I smiled. I'd heard this story many times. After four years of hearing this story over and over, you get used it. And it changes every time anyways so it's always more fun each time.

"Then Tafiti fixed Maui's hook and I returned home."

"What happened to Maui?" A little kid asked.

Moana smiled and looked out to the shore. "He's out there somewhere; probably telling the same stories I do to islanders far across the sea." She looked back to the children, and even tho winter was coming and it was getting dark, she said "race you all to the shore!" And then bolted for the sea.

I watched as the children and even some of the adults raced to the sea. I grinned a little and walked to the edge of the trees where I could sit and watch everyone.

I would never ever swim in the sea; never in a million years. It's nice to look at but...I could never go back in.

Moana sees me from where she stands in the shallows of the sea.

"Alohi..." she sighs with a sad smile. "You should join us. The water is still warm." She grinned.

I frowned and shook my head. "No thanks, I feel safer right here."

She frowned and sat down beside me, burying her feet in the sand. Moana has always been so brace, compared to her I am nothing.

"Tell me again about Maui." I said. He was always my favorite part of her stories.

"Maui. Shapeshifter, demigod of the wind and sea, hero of men and women. The most egoistical, thick headed, self centered demigod in all of the seven seas." I giggled a little at her words. "He's got long curly brown hair and thick bulging muscles. His tattoos cover him from head to toe and they even move."

"He sounds annoying." I laughed.

"Oh he is. He's also kind, and loyal, and honest; when he wants to be." She grinned a little. "Y'know he almost ate HeiHei. He never admitted it until after the ceremony when he noticed HeiHei pecked a rock."

"Oh no! Poor HeiHei." I laughed.

Just then, Pua and HeiHei came running over along with my little red panda Echo. The three tripped over each other as they tumbled into our arms.

"Have you found a partner for the harvest festival?" I asked her as I stroked Echo's furry tail.

"No. I don't think I'll be going with a partner. My father wants me to go as the "princess" of Motunui that way any potential husbands will know that I'm not taken." She rolled her eyes. "I don't really want to marry. I just want to strike out on my own. Y'know?"

I nodded. "Although I wouldn't mind getting married." I sighed dreamily. Of the two of us, I am the more sappy romantic one.

"Oh yes I know." Moana giggled. "Anyways, I'm going to head to bed. We have a lot do to tomorrow to get ready for the festival. Make sure you get decent sleep too." She said as she stood up and left, with HeiHei and Pua in tow. behind her.

I sighed a little and looked up at the sky. As the beach clears out and I find myself alone, I begin to sing to myself. "I've been hiding at the edge of the forest long as I can remember, I just can't get over the fear. I wish, I could be like Moana, fearless just like Moana, but I can't no matter how hard I try."

"Every turn I take, every trail I track, every path I make, every road leads back, to the place I know that I fear the most yet I wish to be..."

I paused noticing I reached the beginning of the water. I backed away fearfully and simply stared at the water lapping against the sand.

"See the sand where the shore meets the sea, it calls me. Everyone knows how far it goes. If my fear of the sea stays inside me, I'll never know, if I go there's just no telling how far I go."

"I know, everybody on this island, seems so happy to be on the sea, everyone is clear and bright. I know, everybody on this island, has a role on this island, but could I accept mine?"

"Could I stand alone, would I become strong, could I be satisfied if I play along, but the fear inside will not leave me alone; what is wrong with me?!" I shout it to the sea and then I see the moon, rising over the horizon.

"See the moon how it plays with the tide, is calming. Everyone knows how far it goes. If this fear of the sea stays inside me, I'll never know, what's beyond that line, can I cross that line. When sun meets the sky over the sea, its blinding. Everyone knows, how far it goes. Can I let go of this fear inside me? Then I'll know, how far I'll go!"

By the time I finish, my feet are in the water. I'm startled and back away quickly. Picking up Echo I start to dash off the village when all of a sudden, I catch sight of a canoe sailing towards me.

There's a large man aboard it, laying flat on his back. I ran to get Moana; someone needs to help him... but I can't swim.

Note: The song she sings is a parody of the original song "How Far I'll Go". Copy the link below to hear it.

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