Chapter Twenty-Three

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(Maui's POV)

It was a torturous wait. Jack's father, the King of the Mainland, took his sweet time in gathering the armies together.

Time was precious and I was tempted to just fly away and save Alohi myself. But Moana was still here. And only God knows what Cole might do to her if I'm not here.

I already had a good idea of what we were dealing with and if my assumptions were correct, we would need a lot more than a mortal army.

"Eirene." I hissed her name. "I will kill her if she lays a single hand on Alohi. If my Alohi is not unharmed when I get there...I will maim her and send her straight to he-"

"Maui calm yourself." Cole places his hand on my shoulder. "I hate her just as much for tricking me into helping her but we have to be strong."

"He has a point." Mini Maui stated. "You've become very soft towards Alohi. You must not let that softness serve as your downfall."

I glared at Cole. Then I realized...his story of where Eirene was didn't line up with her powers. She may be a weather goddess but her main power is winter. She likes to stay in the arctic climates.

"What? What is it? You look like you've had a revelation." Cole stated.

"I need to travel to my brother. He has information that could help us. I must go alone." I rushed out of the room without another word and headed straight for Moana.

I found her with Jack in the library talking. "Cole is still working with Eirene." I said softly as I approached them. "He's leading us away from them but I know where we can find them."

"How? Where can we find them?" Moana's asked.

"The water from here to Motunui is still frozen solid which means that Eirene is still nearby; otherwise-"

"Otherwise the water would've thawed by now!" Moana's cut me off. "Well what are we waiting for? We have to go back to Motunui! That's where the winter was strongest. That must mean she's still...there."

Something behind me caught Moana's eye and I didn't have to look to know who it was.

The door locked and slow clapping was heard. A light gust of cold wind hit the back of my neck and I instantly tensed. So it wasn't Cole.

"Miss me baby?" Came her icy voice. I had to clench my fists to keep from punching her square in the face.

All I could say was, "Eirene."

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