Chapter 6

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Ravens POV

This whole week went by pretty quick. I even made a few friends. Luca didn't bother me until today. He had the nerve to demand that i come to his pack this weekend. He said the alpha commanded it. I told him that his alpha wasn't mine. So no. He even tried to scare me and tell me that the full moon was on Saturday. I don't care, it will be my millionth one, give or take. He cant make me.

I went home and had dinner with Sara, or i guess grandma. I did all of my home work for the weekend so i wouldn't worry about it on the full moon tomorrow. I went to bed early. I would need all the sleep i could get.


*The next day*

I woke to Grandma Sara banging a pot and lid together. " Good gracious, i thought you were dead! I know its a Saturday but how long are you planning to sleep?"

"Not for to much longer. was planning on sleeping for only a few more hours." * note the sarcasm*

She sighed. I glanced at my watch it read 1p.m. Wow i guess i did sleep for ever. But i still felt tired. Bacon was on the table along with pancakes. But all that really mattered was the bacon. Grandma Sara didn't even like bacon, she only bought it for me.

I watched T.v for the rest of the day and took naps in the middle of movies.

Finally around 10p.m I told Grandma that i was going outside and not to wait up cause i was going for a long run. she gave me so much hassle. "You've been a veggie all day, but when its night you want to go for a run?" I looked at my hands, my veins were changing to a darker shade of blue. I could hear my own heart beat. "Yeah, and it will be a long one, so don't wait up. Ok?" "Ok. just be safe." she walked off muttering something about crazy teens and their ideas.

I took off. and stood on a rock far away from the house. Suddenly i was my wolf. I howled at the moon. And ran.


Luca's POV.

We were all locked in the den my dad had made so none of us could get out during a full moon. We were all playing with each other. when a howl pierced the air. The whole den became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. It sounded far, but you could tell it was powerful and proud. But it meant trouble for me. I was already in trouble for not getting her here, and now she was howling so loud that people in the town probably heard her. My dad growled at me, and in wolf speak we talked.

#same as before#


sorry dad she wouldn't come. I couldn't make her either, she stubborn as a mule.

He sighed. I would be hearing more of this tomorrow.


Unknown POV

Tonight is the full moon. I wonder how Raven is doing. I wonder if shes running. I hope shes not having to be locked up. Its terrible to be locked up as a wolf. I ran over all the rocks and i just felt free. Suddenly i caught scent of Raven. But how is that. Her scent was days old a week ago. Unless she faked her tracks, its tricky but can be done. Hold on Raven I'm coming.


Nobodys POV

The three wolves felt the power of the moon. Raven embraced it as she ran, her black fur shining in the moons light. Luca sat in his bed, listening to the howls of Raven. And our mystery wolf ran, he ran for the pleasure and to find Raven.

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